Lake Mac


photos taken amidst sun, shade, rain and other weather stuff...
© All rights reserved

ThreeInARow -

13 Sep 2016 8 24 420
The things one sees - Thank you, SKB - For telling me ''there is a photo-op across the street'' - DickM - borrowed your method of creating a title ( thank you ) Black and White with photos of yard flowers inserted for interest ! © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE -- (don't ask me why!)

- day trip

26 Mar 2016 5 6 378
out the window - white and pink Redbuds - Dogwoods of white - grace the side of the Interstate - different counties plant various things - along the Interstate - soon, blankets of wildflowers and hills of Daylilies - will add more color to North Carolina - former First Lady Dottie Martin, wife of Governor Jim Martin - is credited with initiating the idea for the NC program - © All Rights Reserved ** EXPLORE **

.. in the background

01 Feb 2016 5 9 391
Ice covered snow .. Tis gone now, but the 'old-timers' have a saying .. ''If there is still snow on the ground, it is waiting for more.'' Wasn't true this time .. But, Monday flurries expected .. Not supposed to amount to much .. That saying - has been true in the past ! -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

.. no

01 Feb 2016 9 10 475
flurries .. there was a hint of some .. but nothing like this .. after all, if the fluffies aren't falling .. create some .. -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved


24 Jan 2016 5 10 505
North Carolina US style - when we lived in Florida, Snowbirds were people - but here they have feathers - all photos taken through double glass - especially my favorite kitchen window - 2016 Winter - -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

The 2-hour Flurries ....

17 Jan 2016 4 6 282
this time, the weather people hit it just right - said we would have flurries - we did - would only last a short time - yes, that happened too - would only stick to branches or grass - yes - now, at 11:00am EST - the Sun is Out ! 'Alien Weather' .. © All Rights Reserved

- the morning visitor

20 Nov 2015 8 13 437
for 2 minutes - that is the longest one has been in the yard - have seen 2 others - a Doe - and a very large Buck - yet all have been here at separate times - we all live in an area that once was woods - so, we are really the visitors - so far only thing eaten is some grass - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

.. discovered

31 Oct 2015 5 10 300
in a Dogwood tree .. now that most leaves have fallen .. a home this past season is visible .. perhaps they shall return .. will be watching to see who .. © All Rights Reserved


14 Oct 2015 8 12 340
even in darkness .. there is light.. (c) AllRightsReserved -- EXPLORE --

Make mine a double . . .

09 Oct 2015 5 12 352
dose of reflections at Lake Mac .. a place to fish for bass, catfish or bream .. fisher-persons are a special breed .. there were some over on the right side .. how long ? forever !! so, sorry - they just had to get cropped .. it is what it is .. part of a very special day .. with a special soul .. Pam J .. check out her views of Lake Mac and 'The Visit' .. (c) All Rights Reserved

.. clouds

15 Sep 2015 10 11 428
gone with the Sunset of the day - colors of pink and lavender - must look wonderful to the passegers - (c) All Rights Reserved

come ..

21 Aug 2015 6 14 354
with The Dreamer in me .. into another world .. where you .. and I .. stop to enjoy .. a pebble on the ground .. clouds drifting overhead .. breezes through our hair .. oh, there is so much to see .. to do .. come .. we have no time to fritter away .. Earth is waiting ! (c) All Rights Reserved Peggy C 2015 - 1 note - original photo -

- simple

14 Aug 2015 2 4 265
things of Mother Nature - (c) All Rights Reserved

- gone

14 Aug 2015 5 9 321
is my flower - yet the beauty lingers - (c) All Rights Reserved * EXPLORE *

- If

05 Aug 2015 8 10 482
- one doesn't have Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterflies - check the activity on the Buddleja next door - thank you, My Neighbor - for planting this where I have great photo access (c) All Rights Reserved - 1 note - ** EXPLORE **

.. downtown

24 Jul 2015 3 12 426
Crepe Myrtles of lavender .. Planter found nearby .. With cascading beauties .. Topped with dainty pink / purple / fuschia .. Just up the walkway, a Memory Bench .. A Churchyard which has a water fountain .. Calming spot in the midst of people .. Who are going to and from work .. (c) All Rights Reserved

- water

02 Jul 2015 5 13 388
''Gardening is an instrument of grace." - May Sarton color paints - upon flowers at the Arts Center - should have some of these - will ask if I could get some seeds - or perhaps will just pick a fallen - dried flower from the ground - (c) All Rights Reserved [ for Poetography Group ]


11 May 2015 6 13 255
House Finches ready for more food ... Think there might be another one in the back .. Keeping Mom and Dad busy with feedings .. Taken through the window - and the blinds .. (c) All Rights Reserved

643 items in total