Fly-In Diner ..


Contains mostly things which are green...

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05 Sep 2014

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345 visits

.. green on green

- with just a few touches of red/rust - on the Buddleia davidii (Butterfly shrub) - not a lingering lady ( Katydid - ID by Pam J ) - seen .. shot .. gone ! (c) All Rights Reserved

15 Aug 2014


347 visits

.. just

because - at the Arts Council - flowers are everywhere - outdoor sculptures - something for everyone - all tastes - all sizes of blooming created Art - and blooming living Art - (c) All Rights Reserved

07 Aug 2014

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346 visits

Green ..

sawtooth edges - of leaves - swirl - rising from deep within - flowers ? in awhile - buds not quite ready - they will shine in all their beauty later - right now - it is time for the edges to take center stage - © All Rights Reserved * 1 PiP * G (green) for the Alphabet Site

21 Jul 2014

6 favorites


471 visits

Green -

.. the color of rain --on Dogwood leaves - (c) All Rights Reserved

16 May 2014


340 visits

Money, money Honey ...

- how often have you wished for a 'money tree' ? - we have a Money Plant ( or several ) in our Surprise - Inherited Garden - do remember last Fall seeing some under the Dogwood - now I get to see the entire process of growth - having purple flowers to start it off is a winner ! (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Apr 2014

1 favorite

211 visits

.. green

.. straight lines .. curves .. light shades .. soft ones .. long .. short .. with paintbrush colors in between (c) All Rights Reserved

02 Apr 2014

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256 visits

beneath ..

my feet - yard walking - photo taking - an adventure - no idea what shall appear next - digital documentation - (c) All Rights Reserved - taken with Canon PowerShot SX20 IS

25 Oct 2013

1 comment

273 visits

welcome . .

to snow flurries . . last night [ 10/24/13 ] .. there were flurries .. our hosts left some for us .. cleaned off the steps to the cabin .. and had the heat on ~ (c) All Rights Reserved Picmonkey edit ..

28 Aug 2013

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1 comment

409 visits

Living ..

Christmas tree .. Rainbow Building .. Green flanked by Dogwood trees .. came with the home .. a look down our street .. the Buddleja davidii for butterfly delight .. is on the street side .. (c) All Rights Reserved
139 items in total