Fly-In Diner ..


Contains mostly things which are green...

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10 Nov 2020

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211 visits

Fly-In Diner ..

Next time I'm over where this grows, think I'll count how many of these are in the parking lot. Near a City Building, they are probably 8-10 ft tall. This is a yearly Buffet for any Birds who love these ... the Cardinals seem to favor them. EXPLORE / GALLERY

25 Aug 2019

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548 visits

Bench and a Sunflower -

can seem quite different - depending on where it is placed .. next to where the Sunflower Mural was being painted .. 4 PiP © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

14 Mar 2019

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643 visits

Colors ..

WINDOW OF DAFFS There are thousands of varieties of Daffodils in the State of North Carolina USA - these 2 yellows have multi-petals and begin to bloom after the 'regular' Trumpet Daffs have started - if you look very carefully, you can count the layers of petals - the one top Left is quite different than any others in the yard - it has been named "Alien Daff" since it begins with a solid green bud that looks Alien © All rights reserved -- EXPLORE --

05 Mar 2019

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367 visits

2019 Seasonal Irish Tree, etc.

Seasonal Tree for those who are Irish - Those who are Irish-For-A-Day - And the rest who are just full of blarney ! Erin Go Bragh ! But, my Irish Grandfather Costello said "if you can't see 42 shades of green -- you're not Irish." © All rights reserved - PiP in each photo - upper L corner -

01 Feb 2017

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422 visits

Moss ..

in an Orb - faded out overlay of original Spikemoss - Garden Of Surprises - 2017 © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

28 Feb 2016

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179 visits

Daffs poking through ..

No snow - yet .. Taken in 2016 / February .. It is cold enough, but nothing floating in the air .. Rain ? Again ..? Well, will look forward to snow a bit later .. Yes, I love snow .. Yes. you are correct .. Don't have to go out in it unless I want to !

21 May 2015

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327 visits

when I grow up -

I shall be a Daylily - many stems / scapes with buds - Daylily Riot is on the way ! ** 2 notes ** (c) All Rights Reserved these buds were eaten by deer --- sigh --- so as very few survived, made a Deer Cocktail to spray on all the Daylily plants .... it has worked -- guess they are dining elsewhere .. .. Deer Cocktail .. soapy water with a little salad oil and some hot sauce or Scriracha .. I spray every other day ---- just to be sure the deer aren't going to try again ..

11 May 2015

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258 visits

.. almost

all petals gone - simplicity - less can be more - keep life simple enough - enjoy every moment - (c) All Rights Reserved

11 Oct 2014

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307 visits

Webs 'n raindrops . . .

intricate - no possibility of capturing the entire work of art - it was just beautiful - with the green needles framing it - (c) All Rights Reserved
139 items in total