
Mum's Garden

Mum's a keen gardener and the flowers were looking stunning in the recent fine weather, so it was clearly necessary to take the camera along and attach the 50mm macro lens. Anemones seem to be a popular choice.

15 Mar 2014

112 visits


15 Mar 2014

105 visits

Tulip & Daffodil

15 Mar 2014

111 visits

Red anemone

15 Mar 2014

108 visits

Colourful suburbia

15 Mar 2014

126 visits

Purple anemone

15 Mar 2014

170 visits

Lilac anemone

15 Mar 2014

113 visits

Red and white anemone

15 Mar 2014

129 visits

Inside camellia

15 Mar 2014

108 visits

Pink Camellia

11 items in total