Do not leave the carriageway


Requisitioned by the military in 1943, with the population relocated. The church is open on a limited basis during the year. The Imber Church website gives full details on opening dates & times. Most of the rest of the site is off-limits.

My visit was the during the last couple of days in the August period.

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21 Aug 2013

143 visits

Do not leave the carriageway

These signs are placed every few metres along the road - this one's rather faded (and I've not bothered to burn in the colours artificially)

21 Aug 2013

119 visits

Imber Church in the valley

This is one of the first sights of the church as you approach from the east (off the A360)

21 Aug 2013

101 visits

Imber Church from the car park

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21 Aug 2013

118 visits

Imber Church

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21 Aug 2013

104 visits

Imber Church

The Church of St Giles

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21 Aug 2013

108 visits

Imber Church beyond the thistle

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21 Aug 2013

125 visits

Imber Church

There's a surprisingly large number of visitors investigating the graves in the churchyard. I suppose there's not really any more than anywhere else, it's just that they can only visit for a very limited period.

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21 Aug 2013

120 visits

Imber Church in monochrome

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21 Aug 2013

96 visits

Imber Church window

21 items in total