Knepp Wilderness

Knepp Estate

A 3500 acre estate in West Sussex, just south of Horsham. Until 2001 a traditional arable & dairy farm, the land has, since then, been given over to nature in a pioneering "rewilding" project.

I first visited ten years ago, but in 2022 I went on a an afternoon "safari, where I really got a feel for the place. I enjoyed it enough to go back a couple of weeks later, and I am sure I'll be back many …  (read more)

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28 Jun 2022

1 favorite

66 visits

Large Skipper

It's quite likely I've not identified this brown butterfly correctly (there's a lot of brown ones to choose from)

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28 Jun 2022

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73 visits

Dead tree

A bright sunny afternoon. New tress are emerging in various parts, while others die off. The ground is slowly recovering from the various pesticides and insecticides used when the land was farmed

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07 Jul 2022

6 favorites


92 visits

Escaped calf

A revisit to Knepp, and a wander around the "Middle Block", without a guide this time. I encountered this calf which had managed to get out of its field

07 Jul 2022

10 favorites


111 visits

Wild Teasel

Spotted an interesting looking flower, so took a few photos. Turns out to be wild Teasel (thanks Google Lens, which is so helpful in these situations)

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07 Jul 2022

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61 visits

Stork overhead

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19 Aug 2012

103 visits

Knepp Castle

A 'proper' view of the castle

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19 Aug 2012

1 favorite


120 visits

All that remains

Visit Knepp Castle's wesbite for more info about the place

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19 Aug 2012

126 visits

A bit blurred

Obviously I don't know what the yellow flowers are or anything. At least, I didn't, until Fortescue38 popped by with some useful information.

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19 Aug 2012

89 visits

More blurred

20 items in total