Jack And Jill from Wolstonbury Hill

Wolstonbury Hill

Wolstonbury Hill stands near to the A23 main road on the way towards Brighton. It's notable for being reasonably set apart from nearby hills. It rises to 206m and the land is owned by the National Trust.

As you can imagine, the views are great, though the climb from the north side is rather steep.

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17 Mar 2022

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60 visits

Jack And Jill from Wolstonbury Hill

The windmills are named Jack - behind, black, with no sail, and Jill - white. Restoration on Jill has been carried out by volunteers from the Jack and Jill Windmills Society , and now occasionally produces stoneground wholegrain flour. Jack is in private ownership, while Jill is owned by Mid Sussex District Council. The track passing the windmills is the South Downs Way.

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17 Mar 2022

36 visits

Jack And Jill

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17 Mar 2022

43 visits

Pyecombe Horses

Just visible is the Church of the Transfiguration in the tiny village of Pyecombe. Unfortunately, the noise from the A23 main road is more intrusive than this scene might suggest.

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17 Mar 2022

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45 visits

Spring Tree

Spring sun behind a tree on Wolstonbury Hill