PaulOClassic©'s photos

Moving On....

10 Dec 2016 14 23 763
Created for Saturday Self-Challenge ~ Moving on from iPernity

Beach Pool

30 Nov 2016 24 39 774
For The Sunday Challenge - Creating an "Impressionist" picture. Looks as if this will be my last entry - if you kick off again in Flickr, you know where to find me. My other attempt is in NTSC

Kalk Bay Harbour

30 Nov 2016 7 5 668
For The Sunday Challenge - Creating an "Impressionist" picture. Looks as if this will be my last entry - if you kick off again in Flickr, you know where to find me.

Beach huts

30 Nov 2016 18 28 443
Saturday Self Challenge ~ Rule of Thirds ~ I have no idea if this does follow the rule apart from having one hut in each third!

Half Light

26 Nov 2016 15 23 514
For The Saturday Self Challenge ~ Half ~ Here we have half a window, taken on our farm in half light, so hopefully it's half enough! Of course a window is also sometimes called "a light", so I guess there's that aspect as well. ;0)

They're coming! - Max attack

20 Nov 2016 20 45 675
For The Sunday Challenge - "Maximalism" - the way I see it, is to add as many elements to one of my pictures as is possible - I really enjoyed playing here!

Supermoon - Van Gogh

19 Nov 2016 7 4 519
Supermoon picture after being run through DEEPART

Van Gogh style Supermoon

19 Nov 2016 11 21 759
For the Saturday Self Challenge - run a picture through DEEPART and see what you get. As I was out taking pictures of the Supermoon this week, I thought it might be an idea to do one of the shots as if van Gogh was there beside me.

Variations on a Dream

14 Nov 2016 8 10 306
Variations one picture - three different treatments


12 Nov 2016 15 28 483
Created for The Sunday Challenge ~ Close up or macro ~ Suddenly Bruno and Basil found themselves in the midst of a bit of a maze....


06 Nov 2016 13 17 441
For The Saturday Self-Challenge - High contrast Best viewed Large on Black

Frames within a Frame

05 Nov 2016 11 28 569
For The Saturday Self Challenge ~ A Frame within a Frame

Autumn Harvest

24 Oct 2016 17 27 494
For The Saturday Self Challenge Group - Autumn - As it is Spring in the Southern Hemisphere, I have taken a shot of what will be the Autumn Harvest of grapes in our region - I pass this farm on the way to work. ;0) Best Large on Black

Dirty Jetta

22 Oct 2016 14 38 485
For The Sunday Challenge - Dutch Angles - a shot of my VERY dirty Jetta on the farm.

Gone Fishing

21 Mar 2015 4 8 442
Did this for my first Photoshop assignment - cropped a really bad shot of Umkomaas beach - straightened it and then added paint texture and a bit of colour.


16 Oct 2016 9 37 425
For The Sunday Challenge ~ Random shots in a geographic location - I thought I would introduce you guys to where I will be teaching in the future. This is Franschhoek - a delightful little village, about 60 km from Cape Town, in the middle of the wine region. This probably rates as one of the prettiest little villages in SA - a great place for me to end up!

Waiting for the Postman

18 Sep 2016 11 51 626
For The Sunday Challenge ~ Mailboxes ~ I finally found the neighbour's box hidden in the hedge next-door - had to add my fur babies for a little extra. ;0)

Two Of

11 Sep 2016 23 59 632
For The Sunday Challenge 9/11 ~ Twins

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.