Flicka & Lucas 28-1-13 My Joy

The Boys ~ Flicka & Lucas

Flicka & Lucas 28-1-13 My Joy

Lucas 1-6-2013 His 6th Birthday

01 Jun 2013 9 14 497
My Beautiful Little Alien. A rescue as a 7(ish) week old puppy dumped to die. The Mother Ship beamed him down for Flicka and me to find.

Flicka 30-9-11

30 Sep 2011 11 14 523
My beautiful Boy. Rescued from dreadful abuse.... and my Velcro Boy. Flicka is work in progress.. he is my velcro Boy. He is 8 now and had a terrible start.. We have both come a long way and of all the dogs over the years... he has been the biggest challenge . That includes working dogs in the past as well. Alot of demons had to be slayed for this beautiful boy.

Flicka & The Duck

18 Jan 2013 4 4 388
One of only 2 things he has never shredded.. and those 2 things are sacred to him

I did not stick my nose in the gopher pile !

Lucas Dreamtime 24-1-13

24 Jan 2013 9 9 468
Lucas will never look into the camera. Perhaps Little Aliens think it steals souls ?

Three perspectives with a common theme of the sam…

Three for Lucas

Lucas 29-7-13 ~ X'ed Legs !

29 Jul 2013 4 4 424
Wet and happy ... my Beautiful Little(not so little!) Alien

Flicka 29-7-13

29 Jul 2013 4 3 369
Flicka was wet too... but has a wonderful Teflon coat !

Beautiful reflection Flicka 30-7-13

30 Jul 2013 3 2 341
The Magickal Frog Pond is back... briefly !

Flicka and the pond 30-7-13

30 Jul 2013 4 5 408
The Magickal Frog Pond is back... briefly !

Lucas and the pond 30-7-13

30 Jul 2013 6 8 470
The Magickal Frog Pond is back... briefly !

Flicka & Lucas Collage

01 Sep 2013 13 13 663
This was just an experiment with some framing.... Now I know it works well enough I will play more with some other photos !

Spirit Shine- Lucas

06 Sep 2013 5 4 372
This is my beautiful Lucas's left eye. He never looks at the camera straight on...

Spirit Shine- Lucas

06 Sep 2013 6 9 457
This is my beautiful Lucas's left eye. He never looks at the camera straight on... "Loyalty" For the Poetography Group He will wait for you.... no matter how long. Ned Hardy

Spirit Shine-Flicka

06 Sep 2013 2 9 326
This is Flicka's right eye.... with white lashes.... the left eye is in a black patch and has black lashes !

Spirit Shine-Flicka

06 Sep 2013 11 12 556
This is Flicka's right eye.... with white lashes.... the left eye is in a black patch and has black lashes !

84 items in total