Flicka & Lucas 28-1-13 My Joy

The Boys ~ Flicka & Lucas

Lucas ~ 1st June 2007 ~ 1st July 2015 ~ Ther…

07 Feb 2015 45 77 908
Lucas died in my arms at 3.33am this morning. He went into a rapid decline around 10.30pm... I laid on the floor with him all night and talked to him and cuddled him and that Beautiful Boy.. that exquisite Light.. went out in my arms. He is going back to the Stardust from whence he came. Lucas 1st June 2007 - 1st July 2015. His birth date is approximate.. it was the day we gave him as his Life Day I dont have a "Faith" but I do believe whatever atoms of Stardust that are me... will return to the stars.. and my Beloved Ones will be in that Starshine too. Lucas is going to be cremated.. so he will be going away tomorrow.. and coming Home again soon I so didnt want to have to do the worst at the Vets.. great as they are(and Aaron IS a wonderful vet and fella) I wanted it to be here.. and it was Flicka was beside us... I let him sniff and lick and let him see me wrap Lukie in a sheet.. he knew Lucas was sick.. he knows Lucas is gone. He will grieve... as they do.. too I am writing this whilst I am numb... right now.. numb is good. Most of us have walked this road before... and you know... my heart is breaking. This photo was taken just a week before out of the blue he was diagnosed with a failing mitral heart valve EXPLORED ... and this one means everything to me.

Lucas's Paw Print ~ 'Grace' for the Poetography G…

21 Jun 2015 37 64 684
I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us. Anne Lamott "Grace" for the Poetography Group FONT : Papyrus Three weeks ago I got the kits to take paw prints of Lucas.. who I knew didnt have much time left on this Earth. I made one for Flicka too. We had fun doing it.. they... typically thought I was crazy. I wanted it full of Life... and it IS ..... not made in death... of which it has no part . A good memory.. and they were correct about the craziness ! Paw prints on the heart never ever fade. EXPLORED !... and like the photo of Lucas... this one means all to me.

'Achievement~ Accomplishment' Poetography

03 Oct 2010 3 7 421
Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. Mary Kay Ash For the Poetography Group "Achievement~Accomplishment" FONT : Almeria Flicka was about 16 weeks old when I was rescued by him. He had been beaten... locked in the dark.. and other sundry evil things. For most dogs to achieve a Canine Good Citizen award is easy.... for him.... it was a mountain and then some to climb. Oh... he could do the disciplines... easy ! However .... to trust humans.... to trust other dogs..... No. It took us 5 mths to do what most do in 6 weeks. BUT HE DID IT..... I am so proud Five years on he still only trusts a very small handful of people... and those people he would die for. He only ever trusted Lucas.. no other dog I have had dogs most of my life... working dogs.. dogs that were strong willed... but Flicka has tested me time and again. I love him dearly. We have a deal.....

Lucas 28-2-15 ~ 'Peace' for the Poetography Group

28 Feb 2015 44 51 807
"May you see with eyes of light in everdark, May your mind walk free and unfettered amongst all, Touching wisely and well. May you go in peace. But wait for me, Beloved " Gayle Greeno "Peace" for the Poetography Group FONT : Rory Lucas was a cold weather dog. He had a long thick silky double coat and he adored the snow. This was his last snow. We didnt know til a month later...he only had weeks to live. I hope he has found Peace... I never have. EXPLORED !

Flicka 'Smile' ~ for the Poetography Group

02 Apr 2014 20 23 656
Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through for you Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile Songwriters: CHARLES CHAPLIN Smile lyrics © BOURNE CO. "Smile" For the Poetography Group FONT : Rory Italic Sung by the late great Nat King Cole ... a voice of pure velvet and a favourite of mine still.

"Diamonds" for The Poetography Group ~ Flicka 8th…

08 Jul 2015 27 48 683
"You can find a diamond in the rough a lot of times." Kenneth Edmonds FONT : Argor Man Scaqh Flicka 8th July 2015 ~ "Diamonds" for The Poetography Group

Flicka's Babies ~ His Wealth & Treasure ~ 'Wealth…

07 Sep 2015 9 16 565
“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” ― Epictetus "Wealth" for the Poetography Group FONT : Rory The Story.... Flicka always used to rip things up.. its why he never had a doggie bed (he sleeps on ours !).... he still does rip bigger stuffies up(but doesnt touch mine) But 4 years ago Duckie and Pink Ballie became sacred and are carried about with care I bought the first of the others you see , after Lucas died... I put the first one on the car seat for him to find when we got back from shopping and expected it to be ripped up BUT No !! .. and so I bought one more each week.. and so far.. they too have carry and care status

" They ain't heavy .... " ~ "Kindness" for the Poe…

07 Sep 2015 43 59 894
There are no small acts of kindness. Every compassionate act makes large the world. - Mary Anne Radmacher "They aint heavy...... " ~ "Kindness" for the Poetography Group FONT : FoglihtenNo07

My brave soldier Flicka after his ACL operation -…

21 Mar 2016 41 77 872
"Determination " for the Poetography Group "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." Julian of Norwich ... who was an amazing woman en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_of_Norwich The above has been my mantra for 46 of my 61 years..... FONT : Black Chancery We are now 9 days into Flicka's recovery and doing well. He is in my workroom here with me... 2 foam beds rolled out on the floor... no crating. We have done well.... I won't leave him for the first 6 weeks. The wrap is off.. the stitches are out (hmmmm werent supposed to out till Monday... but you know how that goes !) and we are gently and slowly starting the rehab. And I have washed the yellow antiseptic off his skin ! Now we need the fur to grow back ! EXPLORED !

Day 15 ~ 5th April 2016

05 Apr 2016 43 66 842
Flicka is doing really well. !! We are into Week 3... he has full range of motion and now I am slowly increasing the walks. I read and read and read. Massaged him from the first day and gently did the Range of Motion exercises and icing and moist warm heat. Its paid off.. he used the leg with care from day 2.. and now we are rebuilding the muscle. All at a slow pace... and no jumping and strictly leashed walks. He and I are sleeping on foam fold down beds on the floor.. this workroom of mine is a "safe room" for him. I am prepared to do whatever it takes. 2 weeks down and 10 weeks to go ! And... the pattern on his skin is the same as the pattern of his fur ! Now slowly slowly is starting to grow back ! EXPLORED !

Flicka 22nd September 2016 ~ Just because I love y…

22 Sep 2016 68 125 1187
.......... and you save me from myself and make me a better person EXPLORED !

Flicka on his 11th Birthday 1st March 2017

01 Mar 2017 59 86 1131
He was determined not to smile ! Happy Birthday my Beautiful Boy ! EXPLORED !

84 items in total