
Mandjoogoordap (Mandurah)


24 May 2023 25 16 134
Happy Fence Friday to everyone. I hope your day is a ripper and your weekend is a wonderful adventure.


28 Jun 2023 16 13 102
A Happy Wednesday Wall to everyone. I hope your day is a fine and pleasant one. Despite appearances, this is only one wall; it is as though the architect couldn't quite make up his or her mind what to do with it. Good fun, though. It's probably better looked at on black so that the edges of the image can be seen. Please press Z if you want to try it out.


29 Jun 2023 12 5 81
Seeking vengeance for all the crayfish and lobster tails.


23 Jun 2023 27 18 138
HBM to all. This is a *very* small bench, but a bench nonetheless (I have perched my 6 foot 4 inch frame on it, though not for very long). I hope you all have a wonderful day and find some time to sit and watch the world go by..


19 May 2023 17 6 110
"... out of the sun in a silk dress running Like a watercolour in the rain." Al Stewart: The Year of the Cat


17 Jul 2023 13 8 106
Silver Sands, Mandurah. Morning.


29 Jun 2023 15 15 140
This bench sits by the estuary and faces Mandurah’s War Memorial, the white stone blocks across the river. The stones of the memorial rise from the water’s edge in the east and march upwards to the highest columns. At dawn on April 25th each year, the sun shines along the axis of the rising stones and hits the highest point, illuminating the pathway and also causing the shadows from the columns to point towards that highest point. April 25th is ANZAC Day in Australia and the Dawn Service, celebrated throughout the country, is a major part of that day, commemorating all Australians who have served in conflicts worldwide. HBM to everyone wherever you may be. The day of the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli by Australian and New Zealander soldiers was 25th April 1915. More than 100 years later we still witness violence, horror and man's inhumanity to man. Not as clever as we like to think we are, are we? Sit on a bench, watch the world and think about how we're going to make things better.


31 Mar 2023 17 10 149
"The feeling that it's all a lot of oysters, but no pearls." HWW, everyone. (Best on black. Please press Z.)


27 Jul 2023 9 3 95
Oyster catcher. Mandjar Bay, Mandurah, WA.


11 Aug 2023 10 5 73
Kayaks at Keith Holmes Reserve beach in Mandurah awaiting a group of schoolchildren for their sports lesson.


09 Aug 2023 15 10 86
HWW to all. Let us hope your days, hours and minutes are joyful.


14 Aug 2023 16 15 101
May I wish a Happy Fence Friday to all and add my further wishes for a fine and delightful weekend for everyone. This rickety-looking fence borders a path to the beach at Silver Sands/Watersun in Mandurah. The view is across Comet Bay to Halls Head on the right and to Seashells/Mandurah on the left. The dunes here offer protection from the sea and are themselves protected from predatory developers and real estate agents by legislation: a win-win.


29 Jun 2023 17 11 106
A Happy Fence Friday to everyone from the viewing platform at the seaward end of the estuary in Mandjoogoordap. May your day and your weekend be merry and bright and your every waking moment full of enjoyment and happiness.


27 Nov 2023 17 17 103
Always was and always will be Aboriginal land. Happy Fence Friday, everyone. May your day be the best it can be and your weekend be relaxing and calm. Please also take a little time to think about the fight against injustice and prejudice wherever they may be (and no matter how entrenched they may appear) and resolve to speak out against them whenever possible.

110 items in total