
Mandjoogoordap (Mandurah)


23 Jun 2023 15 18 139
A Happy Fence Friday to all. May your day be pleasing and your weekend be relaxing. (If such a thing is possible at this frenetic time of year.) This is the outdoor area of the Little Stiller gin distillery in Mandurah. Yum, very tasty.


31 Mar 2023 16 7 119
HWW, everyone. Toilet block in a Mandurah car park.


01 Jan 2024 22 20 114
Post-Christmas hangover for reindeer. A sense of deflation after the festivities. A Happy Fence Friday to all. I hope your day and your weekend are pleasant. Commiserations to all those who have had to return to work after the holidays (and to those who worked all through the holidays, too).


03 Jan 2024 26 12 146
Town Beach. Mandurah.


15 Jan 2024 8 2 98
Town Beach. Mandurah.


05 Feb 2024 19 10 138
(Press Z to biggen it up.)


09 Feb 2024 20 20 130
A Happy Fence Friday to everyone. I hope your day and your weekend are both wonderful. This jetty is in Mandjar Bay which is the centre of old Mandurah. It is used for the boats which take tourists round the canals and into the Peel Inlet which lies just outside the city. This inlet is a vast expanse of water, though it is quite shallow.


14 Feb 2024 11 5 99
She (Who Must Be Obeyed) tells me this looks appropriate for St Valentine's Day. Since she (obviously) must be obeyed I've acquiesced to her wishes, despite my habitual grumpiness when faced with such sentimental things. Far nicer than cut flowers or expensive tasteless chocolates, too. There are very many swans on the river and in the inlet at the moment, it being the very hot season of Bunuru when food in the lakes and rivers is plentiful. A few more weeks and the swans will mainly disperse to other waters as Djeran (autumn) arrives in late March, though for some reason the odd swan will remain.


16 Feb 2024 12 8 113
Endota Spa, Dolphin Quay, Mandurah WA.


28 Mar 2024 2 1 73
Sorry I've not been around for a while. My venerable iMac turned up its toes in March - even Apples must die sometime (sniff, sniff), but now I've got a new one (thanks to She who not only Must Be Obeyed but who has money she's willing to spend on me) so I can waste everyone's time again.


22 May 2024 13 5 130
Mandurah marina entrance. Early morning. (Looks good on black. Please press Z.)


23 May 2024 13 6 141
It truly was as blue as this at 7.40 on this Djeran (late Autumn) morning. No enhancement necessary.


16 Apr 2024 24 21 187
Wow! Five fences - a veritable cornucopia! A very Happy Fence Friday to everyone. I hope your day and your weekend bring you joy. We may even get some rain here in Mandurah (though I'll believe it when I see it) - an event which will be celebrated with abandon by all, although dancing naked in the streets whilst splashing in the puddles may be frowned upon by the wowsers.


16 May 2024 9 3 111
Stingray Point, Mandurah


14 May 2024 15 5 102
Toy boats dreaming of becoming superyachts when they grow up.

134 items in total