Noel Treacy's photos

Satan summoning his Legions

20 Aug 2020 97
by Thomas Lawrence at the Royal Academy

Young Girl on the Grass, the Red Bodice (Mademoise…

20 Aug 2020 126
by Berthe Morisot, part of the Gauguin and the Impressionists exhibition at the Royal Academy

The Convalescent (Portrait of a Woman in White)

20 Aug 2020 3 3 133
by Eva Gonzalès, part of the Gauguin and the Impressionists exhibition at the Royal Academy

Gauguin and the Impressionists

20 Aug 2020 74
at the Royal Academy

Gauguin and the Impressionists

20 Aug 2020 1 89
Masterpieces from the Ordrupgaard Collection at the Royal Academy

Royal Academy

The End

04 Aug 2020 79
Fourth plinth sculpture by Heather Phillipson

The End

04 Aug 2020 96
Fourth plinth sculpture by Heather Phillipson

at the National Gallery, London

21 Aug 2020 1 74
inside and out: details of Portrait of a Woman of the Hofer Family by unknown Swabian artist, and the fourth plinth, The End by Heather Phillipson

The End

21 Aug 2020 1 71
Fourth plinth sculpture by Heather Phillipson

The End

21 Aug 2020 72
Fourth plinth sculpture by Heather Phillipson

The End

21 Aug 2020 73
Fourth plinth sculpture by Heather Phillipson

The End

21 Aug 2020 1 75
Fourth plinth sculpture by Heather Phillipson

The Arnolfini Portrait

21 Aug 2020 79
The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck at the National Gallery, London.

The Virgin of the Rocks

21 Aug 2020 93
by Leonardo da Vinci

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

21 Aug 2020 88
by Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano

The Monde Crucifixion

21 Aug 2020 78
by Raphael

Titian: Love, Desire, Death

21 Aug 2020 68
The exhibition reunites all six paintings of Titian's poesie for the first time in more than four hundred years. Detail of Rape of Europa . The frames were specially made for the exhibition by the Framing Department of the National Gallery.

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.