Noel Treacy's photos

Psyche showing her Sisters her Gifts from Cupid

01 Sep 2020 1 131
by Jean-Honoré Fragonard at the National Gallery, London

The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

01 Sep 2020 95
by Pierre-Cécile Puvis de Chavannes in the National Gallery, London

Belshazzar's Feast

01 Sep 2020 1 96
by Rembrandt in the National Gallery London

The Large Dort

01 Sep 2020 1 116
by Aelbert Cuyp in the National Gallery, London.

National Gallery, London

National Gallery, London

01 Sep 2020 97
In the centre: Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria by Artemisia Gentileschi On the sides: The Supper at Emmaus and Salome receives the Head of John the Baptist by Caravaggio .

Calais Pier

01 Sep 2020 2 95
by JMW Turner at the National Gallery, London


01 Sep 2020 106
to the National Gallery , London

Nicolaes Maes: Dutch Master of the Golden Age

01 Sep 2020 94
at the National Gallery London

Jacob Trip (Rembrandt v Maes)

01 Sep 2020 88
The Rembrandt portrait is in the National Gallery, London and the Maes (who was a student of Rembrandt) is from the Mauritshuis collection in The Hague and currently displayed in the Nicolaes Maes exhibition at the National Gallery.

Margaretha de Geer (Rembrandt v Maes)

01 Sep 2020 96
The Rembrandt portrait is in the National Gallery, London and the Maes (who was a student of Rembrandt) is from the Mauritshuis collection in The Hague and currently displayed in the Nicolaes Maes exhibition at the National Gallery.

Equestrian Portrait of Charles I

01 Sep 2020 86
by Anthony van Dyck at the National Gallery, London

Léon Spilliaert

20 Aug 2020 104
at the Royal Academy

Léon Spilliaert

20 Aug 2020 135
White Robes and The Absinthe Drinker at the Royal Academy

Léon Spilliaert

20 Aug 2020 90
at the Royal Academy

Léon Spilliaert

20 Aug 2020 138
Lady with Lorgnette and Self portrait with Blue Background at the Royal Academy

untitled: female; 2018

20 Aug 2020 82
by Phyllida Barlow at the Royal Academy

Royal Academy

20 Aug 2020 1 86
Cast of Venus de 'Medici , Anatomical Crucifixion (James Legg) , Venus de Milo and Cast of the Dancing Faun at the Royal Academy

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.