Michael Moore Hitchin's photos

23 Dec 2023

1 favorite

25 visits

Happy Christmas

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22 Dec 2016

22 visits

Louise - Mystic, Connecticut. Christmas 2016

08 Nov 2022

1 favorite

41 visits

The Spa

08 Nov 2022

41 visits

Ducks in the pool - Valletta

Forty two years almost to the day since my last visit.

16 Sep 2022

41 visits

Queen Elizabeth II, Lying in State Queue

The queue passing through Butler's Wharf.

05 Apr 2022

61 visits


29 May 2022

2 favorites

60 visits

Hitchin Priory

09 Sep 2019

2 favorites

1 comment

147 visits

Clare & Louise

New York Wedding

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14 Sep 1971

2 favorites

174 visits

The Krays - Me and me twin 1971

47 items in total

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