MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos

IMG 2090-001-Wish Towers Colourful History

19 Oct 2023 17
19th century Martello tower, Eastbourne

IMG 2088-001-Welcome to The Wish Tower

19 Oct 2023 18
19th century Martello tower, Eastbourne

IMG 2086-001-Wish Tower 1

19 Oct 2023 17
19th century Martello tower, Eastbourne

IMG 2073-001-Wish Tower 2

19 Oct 2023 15
19th century Martello tower, Eastbourne

IMG 2057-001-Repairs

19 Oct 2023 17
Ghostsign, South Street, Eastbourne

IMG 2056-001-Ladies Dress Baskets

19 Oct 2023 1 18
Ghostsign, South Street, Eastbourne

IMG 1797-001-Royal Victoria Hotel

13 Oct 2023 2 1 15
A grand old hotel facing the sea. St Leonards.

IMG 1795-001-Benches by the Sea

IMG 1790-001-Marine Court

13 Oct 2023 11
Art deco/streamline moderne apartment block facing the sea in St Leonards. It was modelled on the Queen Mary oceanliner. Grade II listed. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Court

IMG 1789-001-Poly Styrene Plaque

13 Oct 2023 12
North Street, St Leonards

IMG 1781-001-Queen Vicky

13 Oct 2023 1 10
Warrior Square, St Leonards.If you look closely, you can see a bullet hole in her knee where the statue was strafed by the Luftwaffe during World War II.

IMG 1775-001-Clouds Over Warrior Square

13 Oct 2023 9
St Leonards

IMG 1773-001-Warrior Square

13 Oct 2023 8
St Leonards

IMG 1779-001-Goat Ledge Cafe Sign

13 Oct 2023 2 12
Goat Ledge Cafe, Lower Promenade, St Leonards

IMG 1786-001-Love Locks 1

13 Oct 2023 1 12
Goat Ledge Cafe, Lower Promenade, St Leonards

IMG 1784-001-The Strutts

13 Oct 2023 13
Goat Ledge Cafe, Lower Promenade, St Leonards

IMG 1782-001-Love Locks 2

13 Oct 2023 11
Goat Ledge Cafe, Lower Promenade, St Leonards

IMG 1770-001-Covered Picnic Table

13 Oct 2023 1 1 12
Goat Ledge Cafe, Lower Promenade, St Leonards

8677 photos in total