MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)'s photos

IMG 1804-001-Something that 'is' versus something…

14 Oct 2023 6
Watch the short video here to learn more about Ryan Gander and his work.

IMG 1816-001-Temporald epartures

14 Oct 2023 6
Watch the short video here to learn more about Ryan Gander and his work.

IMG 1802-001-Chronos Kairos

14 Oct 2023 7
Watch the short video here to learn more about Ryan Gander and his work.

IMG 1801-001-School of Languages

14 Oct 2023 6
Animatronic gorilla cowering under a desk. It was activated by motion in the gallery and quite startling when he started to move and growl. Watch the short video here to learn more about Ryan Gander and his work.

IMG 1818-001-Lisson Gallery

14 Oct 2023 6
Bell Street, Lisson Grove

IMG 1817-001-Ryan Gander PUNTO!

14 Oct 2023 4
Exhibition at the Lisson Gallery, Bell Street, Lisson Grove

IMG 1714-001-Laundry Tub

11 Oct 2023 7
Charles Dickens Museum, Doughty Street, Holborn

IMG 1715-001-Laundry

11 Oct 2023 7
Charles Dickens Museum, Doughty Street, Holborn

IMG 1716-001-Hats

11 Oct 2023 5
These were hanging in the cellar, so probably belonged to the servants. Charles Dickens Museum, Doughty Street, Holborn

IMG 1712-001-Painted Doorstep

11 Oct 2023 5
In America, we would call this flat bit in front of the door a "stoop". I'm not sure what the Brits call it. Whatever it's called, I think it's pretty. Doughty Street, Holborn.

IMG 1720-001-Royal Slumber

11 Oct 2023 1 5
One of the wall pieces in an exhibition of works by El Anatsui at the October Gallery. octobergallery.co.uk/exhibitions/el-anatsui-timespace

IMG 1721-001-G6

11 Oct 2023 6
One of the wall pieces in an exhibition of works by El Anatsui at the October Gallery. octobergallery.co.uk/exhibitions/el-anatsui-timespace

IMG 1722-001-Royal Slumber (detail)

11 Oct 2023 1 10
One of the wall pieces in an exhibition of works by El Anatsui at the October Gallery. octobergallery.co.uk/exhibitions/el-anatsui-timespace

IMG 1717-001-Profile (detail)

11 Oct 2023 1 7
One of the wall pieces in an exhibition of works by El Anatsui at the October Gallery. octobergallery.co.uk/exhibitions/el-anatsui-timespace

IMG 1718-001-Profile

11 Oct 2023 1 6
One of the wall pieces in an exhibition of works by El Anatsui at the October Gallery. octobergallery.co.uk/exhibitions/el-anatsui-timespace

IMG 1693-001-Kelani Abass

10 Oct 2023 7
A World in Common: Contemporary African Photography at Tate Modern

IMG 1695-001-Casing History 2017

10 Oct 2023 1 9
A World in Common: Contemporary African Photography at Tate Modern

IMG 1694-001-Casing History 1 2016

10 Oct 2023 1 1 5
A World in Common: Contemporary African Photography at Tate Modern

8383 photos in total