
Yashica Mat


19 Aug 2015 16 4 852
----- Yashica Mat + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 20°C


19 Aug 2015 9 2 706
----- Yashica Mat + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 20°C


19 Aug 2015 4 3 590
----- Yashica Mat + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 20°C


19 Aug 2015 6 1 669
----- Yashica Mat + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 20°C ----- It is the first roll of Tri-X 400 used with my Yashica Mat. Probably the only one as I can clearly see that this Yashica favors Ilford HP5+.


16 Aug 2015 26 11 1142
old Jewish cemetery ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 22.5°C

House of Eternity

16 Aug 2015 18 7 895
old Jewish cemetery ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 22.5°C


16 Aug 2015 21 3 1124
old Jewish cemetery ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 22.5°C


16 Aug 2015 9 3 762
old Jewish cemetery ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 22.5°C to be compared with


16 Aug 2015 7 6 687
old Jewish cemetery ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 22.5°C

House of Eternity

16 Aug 2015 15 4 756
old Jewish cemetery ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 22.5°C

House of Eternity

16 Aug 2015 11 3 699
old Jewish cemetery ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H) @ 22.5°C


02 Aug 2015 5 2 738
Once a scout always a scout. "Gray Ranks" (Polish: Szare Szeregi) was a codename for the underground paramilitary Polish Scouting Association (Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego) during World War II. Photo taken on the day of the 71th anniversary of the Battle of Pęcice . ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B)


02 Aug 2015 7 5 763
Photo taken on the day of the 71th anniversary of the Battle of Pęcice . They were discussing their recollection of events. ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B)


02 Aug 2015 8 4 720
One step too late. They took me by surprise so I missed the right moment. ----- Photo taken on the day of the 71th anniversary of the Battle of Pęcice . ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B)


02 Aug 2015 5 1 681
Photo taken on the day of the 71th anniversary of the Battle of Pęcice . The man is the last one of seven survivors of the battle. He was a kid then. ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B)


02 Aug 2015 7 3 725
Photo taken on the day of the 71th anniversary of the Battle of Pęcice . ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B)


02 Aug 2015 5 1 624
Photo taken on the day of the 71th anniversary of the Battle of Pęcice ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B) ----- I used to develop HP5+ in D-76 but I am going to switch to HC-110, I think


02 Aug 2015 4 1 695
My personal unnamed enemies: people hired by organizers to shoot the event. Every time I eventually decided on a frame, they appeared right in front of me totally spoiling the intended effects. I tried to do the same to them, but their digital ware made them immune to my best efforts ;) ----- Photo taken on the day of the 71th anniversary of the Battle of Pęcice ----- Yashica Mat + Ilford HP5+ + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B)

356 items in total