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  Shooting date  /  2011  /  August   -   24 photos

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  • Golden Wattle time
  • Sundews
  • Sundews
  • Prickly Guinea-flower
  • Sow Thistle leaves
  • Sonchus oleraceus
  • Back of Beltana
  • Blue Gums, Waite Hills.
  • Blue Gums, Waite Hills.
  • Koonalda cars
  • Koonalda cars
  • Mt Cavern in the mist.
  • Little Dip lagoon
  • Yudnapinna shed with bowser
  • Yudnapinna shed with bowser
  • Morning fog
  • Koonalda car
  • Virgina Creeper, Clarendon
  • Templetonia retusa
  • Euphorbia milii (Crown-of-Thorns)
  • Uncarina grandidiera (Pedaliaceae)
  • Uncarina grandidiera (Pedaliaceae)
  • Austrostipa stipoides tussock grassland
  • Austrostipa stipoides tussock grassland