Search through kurakongolia's photos

  Shooting date  /  2009   -   28 photos

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  • Dead Native Pine (Callitris glaucophylla).
  • Floating Poplar leaves.
  • Leaning riverbank poplars.
  • French Lavender
  • Floating Poplar leaves
  • Autumn vine leaves
  • Dead mistletoe
  • Correa reflexa var. scabridula
  • Correa reflexa var. scabridula
  • Astroloma leaves
  • Dead skeletonized leaves of Pink Gum.
  • Hybrid Almond x Peach blossom.
  • Frizzy.
  • Lesser lights in the Victoria amazonica pond.
  • Eryngium vesiculosum (Prostrate Blue Devil).
  • Eryngium vesiculosum in a drought year.
  • ... a platypus (lower RHS).
  • Sighting from the bridge ...
  • Mt Bryan East - old school.
  • Pavement.
  • Gyrostemon thesioides (Bell Wheel-fruit), post-fire.
  • Gyrostemon thesioides (Bell Wheel-fruit), post-fire.
  • Gyrostemon thesioides (Bell Wheel-fruit), post-fire.
  • Gyrostemon thesioides (Bell Wheel-fruit), post-fire.
  • Mambray Creek, morning light.
  • Red Gum and Rhagodia
  • Triodia in the mist.
  • The intense blue of Lobelia rhombifolia.