Eucalyptus leucoxylon Woodland

Landscapes of South Australia

Eucalyptus leucoxylon Woodland

SA Blue Gum woodland, W of Moller Gap

03 Oct 2012 325
Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. pruinosa Woodland, on range W of Moller Gap, c. 6 km NW of Manoora, 3 Oct 2012. A precious roadside remnant.

Climbing dunes on flank of Mt Sturt West

11 Sep 2011 195
Gawler Ranges NP, 28 Sep 2010.

Southern slopes of Mt Sturt East

11 Sep 2011 197
Eucalyptus brachycalyx over Alyxia buxifolia. Gawler Ranges NP, 28 Sep 2010.

Looking south from Mt Sturt East

11 Sep 2011 173
Melaleuca uncinata, with Calytrix involucrata flowering in foreground. Gawler Ranges NP, 28 Sep 2010.

Old Red Mallee

11 Sep 2011 176
Eucalyptus oleosa, Lake Gilles CP, ENE of Carradoo Tanks, 26 Sep 2010.

Dune of gold

11 Sep 2011 180
Acacia rigens (post-peak flowering) and Phebalium bullatum on yellow sand dune, Lake Gilles CP.

Lake Gilles shore

10 Sep 2011 1 203
Lake Gilles CP, 4 Oct 2010.

Callitris gracilis, Black Hill.

10 Sep 2011 248
Leptospermum myrsinoides, flowering in the foreground. Black Hill CP, 29 Oct 2010.


09 Sep 2011 2 236
On the Heysen Trail. Myponga CP, 4 Sep 2011.

Dwarf Messmate and heath.

04 Sep 2011 198
Eucalyptus obliqua takes on a stunted habit in the rocky skeletal soils of this park. On the Heysen Trail. Myponga CP, 4 Sep 2011.

Myponga CP

05 Sep 2011 163
4 Sep 2011.

Myponga CP

05 Sep 2011 168
4 Sep 2011

Mt Cavern in the mist.

14 Aug 2011 218
Mt Remarkable NP, 2006.

Parachilna Gorge

22 Nov 2010 221
Stony creekbed in late afternoon, 31 Oct 2010.

Triodia in the mist.

13 Sep 2009 1 1 169
Triodia irritans in the eastern Gawler Ranges.

Red Gum and Rhagodia

29 Jul 2009 166
Rhagodia parabolica in Mambray Creek, Mt Remarkable NP, April 2006.

Mambray Creek, morning light.

29 Jul 2009 1 210
Mt Remarkable NP, April 2006.

121 items in total