St Paul's, London

Agfa Isolette II, roll 4

Folder: Agfa Isolette
Tri-X again.

St Paul's, London

24 Jan 2013 310
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

Self portrait

24 Jan 2013 1 729
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

Reflection of St Paul's.

24 Jan 2013 1 2 448
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

Statue at St Paul's, London

24 Jan 2013 2 625
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan. This statue is "The Young Lovers" by George Ehlrich. The statue was unveiled here in 1973.

The River Lee at Wheathampstead, Herts.

24 Jan 2013 324
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

Frozen pond and snow at Lamer

24 Jan 2013 360
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

Snow-bound footpath

24 Jan 2013 1 371
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

The Lime Avenue, Lamer Park, Herts.

24 Jan 2013 3 1 714
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

Snow-bound bush

24 Jan 2013 396
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.

John Donne, St Pauls. London

24 Jan 2013 365
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X, commercial dev and scan.