Ely Cathedral, octagon crossing

Anglesey and Ely 9-4-11

A Welwyn Archaeological Society outing.

Ely Cathedral, octagon crossing

09 Apr 2011 231
Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 28mm shift lens, hand held.

Tulips at St Helens

09 Apr 2011 350
Seen while waiting for the bus in Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 'K' 135mm f/2.5 lens.

Ely (2)

09 Apr 2011 228
The octagon in Ely. HDR of five handheld shots created using Photomatix Pro v.4.

Ely (3)

09 Apr 2011 223
Clare in the octagon in Ely.

Angelsey Abbey (2)

09 Apr 2011 241
Pentax K20D, DA 12-24mm lens.

Angelsey Abbey (1)

09 Apr 2011 285
Seen in the gardens of Anglesey Abbey. Pentax K20D, DA* 50-135mm lens, five shot HDR in Photimatix Pro 4.

Priors door, Ely (6)

09 Apr 2011 264
Detail of the musician, right hand side of the door. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax-M 100mm f/2.8 lens.

Ely (8)

09 Apr 2011 193
View of the south transept from the north transept clerestory level. K20D, SMC 28mm f/3.5 shift lens with minimal shift used, hand held. Five shot HDR processed in Photomatix Pro v. 4.

Priors door, Ely (4)

09 Apr 2011 268
Boar (above) and man with ?wheel barrow below. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax-M 100mm f/2.8 lens.

Priors door, Ely (2)

09 Apr 2011 280
Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax-M 100mm f/2.8 lens.

Ely (5)

09 Apr 2011 229
View from the crossing to the west entrance. K20D, SMC 28mm f/3.5 shift lens with maximum shift used, hand held.

Ely (7)

09 Apr 2011 228
View down the nave. K20D, SMC 28mm f/3.5 shift lens with maximum shift used, hand held.

Angelsey Abbey (8)

09 Apr 2011 276
The undercroft. Pentax K20D, DA 12-24mm lens.

Ely (4)

09 Apr 2011 225
Taken from the park. K20D, SMC 28mm f/3.5 shift lens with moderate shift used, on a tripod.

Angelsey Abbey (6)

09 Apr 2011 266
The library fireplace. Pentax K20D, DA 12-24mm lens.

Angelsey Abbey (4)

09 Apr 2011 301
Fireplace in the room shown in (3) Pentax K20D, DA 12-24mm lens.

Angelsey Abbey (5)

09 Apr 2011 165
Jon and John (members of the Welwyn Archaeological Society) in the library. Pentax K20D, DA 12-24mm lens.

Ely (6)

09 Apr 2011 187
View of one of the walls of the octagon. K20D, SMC 28mm f/3.5 shift lens with maximum shift used, hand held.

50 items in total