Grant's tomb ceiling

New York Sept 2010

Grant's tomb ceiling

16 Sep 2010 2 1 563
Grant's tomb, NYC. The roof of the tomb. Pentax LX, SMC-K 24mm lens, Kodak BW400CN film rated at 320 ASA.

Grant's tomb sarcophagi

16 Sep 2010 177
Grant's tomb, NYC. The sarcophagi. Pentax LX, Kodak CN400BW film rated at 320 ASA.

Grant's tomb eagle

16 Sep 2010 231
Grant's tomb, NYC. Eagle flanking the entrance steps. Pentax LX, SMC-K 24mm lens, Kodak CN400BW film rated at 320 ASA.

Grant's tomb view

16 Sep 2010 193
Grant's tomb, NYC. Exterior view. Pentax LX, SMC-K 15mm lens, Kodak BW400CN film rated at 320 ASA.

Grant's tomb shadows

16 Sep 2010 225
Grant's tomb, NYC. Shadows of the tree lined avenue. Pentax LX, SMC-K 24mm lens, Kodak CN400BW film rated at 320 ASA.

Bethesda (1)

17 Sep 2010 297
Bethesda fountain, Central Park, New York. Shot on a Pentax LX using Kodak BW400CN film and a SMC-K 15mm lens.

Bethesda (2)

17 Sep 2010 227
Bethesda fountain, Central Park, New York. Shot on a Pentax LX using Kodak BW400CN film and a SMC-M 40mm f/2.8 pancake lens.

Bethesda (3)

17 Sep 2010 257
Bethesda fountain, Central Park, New York. Shot on a Pentax LX using Kodak BW400CN film and a SMC-K 135mm f/2.5 lens.

Bethesda (4)

17 Sep 2010 227
Bethesda fountain, Central Park, New York. Shot on a Pentax LX using Kodak BW400CN film and a SMC-K 15mm lens.

Bethesda (5)

17 Sep 2010 430
Bethesda fountain, Central Park, New York. Shot on a Pentax LX using Kodak BW400CN film and a SMC-A 28mm f/2.8 lens.

Red Hook 7

16 Sep 2010 231
Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. Warehouses. Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

Red Hook 6

16 Sep 2010 202
Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. Warehouses. Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

Red Hook 5

16 Sep 2010 251
Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. Warehouses. Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

Red Hook 4

16 Sep 2010 229
Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. Warehouses. Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

Red Hook 3

16 Sep 2010 218
Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. Warehouses. Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

The Likker Store (Red Hook 2)

16 Sep 2010 237
Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

Red Hook 1

16 Sep 2010 206
Abandoned building in Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York. Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

Grant's tomb (2)

16 Sep 2010 205
Taken with a Lubitel 2, T-Max 100 ASA.

40 items in total