
Lamer Park

Squirrel (2)

04 Mar 2011 207
Can't I have my lunch in peace? A greedy squirrel snapped with a Pentax K20D and a SMC "K" 15mm f/3.5 lens.

Great tit

04 Mar 2011 217
Taken with a Pentax K20D and a SMC-M 28mm f/3.5 lens.

Squirrel (1)

04 Mar 2011 259
What on earth? A greedy squirrel snapped with a Pentax K20D and a SMC "K" 15mm f/3.5 lens.

Cold garden pot

29 Mar 2011 1 393
A much photographed urn in my landlady's garden. Yashica Mat 124G, Fuji Velvia 50ASA.

Lamb at Lamer 2011

31 Mar 2011 1 236
The first of this year's new lambs. Pentax K20D, SMC "K" 300mm f/4 lens.


03 Apr 2011 208
It is a hard life... Pentax K20D, SMC 'K' 300mm f/4 lens.

More lambs (1)

05 Apr 2011 303
Yet more lambs at Lamer, Herts. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 'K' 50mm f/1.2 lens.

The cutest ever?

05 Apr 2011 206
A recent addition to the local flock. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 50mm f/1.2 lens.

More lambs (2)

05 Apr 2011 260
Yet more lambs at Lamer, Herts. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 'K' 50mm f/1.2 lens.

More lambs (3)

05 Apr 2011 298
Yet more lambs at Lamer, Herts. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 'K' 50mm f/1.2 lens.

Squirrel (3)

Squirrel (1)

Squirrel (2)

Squirrel (4)

Squirrel on a pole

22 Apr 2011 1 287
Spotted in my garden. Pentax K20D, SMC 'K' 300mm f/4. Shot at f/8, ISO 400, 1/100th second.

Lamer lambs (1)

10 May 2011 184
Pentax KX, Kodak Ektar 100 and a Pentax prime (sorry, cannot remember which one!).

Lamer lambs (2)

10 May 2011 147
Pentax KX, Kodak Ektar 100 and a Pentax prime (sorry, cannot remember which one!).

Cherry blossom at Lamer

10 May 2011 178
Cherry blossom in the gardens. Pentax KX, Kodak Ektar 100 and a Pentax prime (sorry, cannot remember which one!).

111 items in total