June 12: Bishop Sherbourne's tomb

Chichester and West Dean 2022

June 12: Bishop Sherbourne's tomb

12 Jun 2022 1 68
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 20mm f/4 lens.

June 13: abstract

13 Jun 2022 3 1 179
One piece of modern art seen through another piece of modern art. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 20mm f/4.

June 1 Hayshott

01 Jun 2022 70
A group of students getting an introduction to the landscape of the South Downs.

May 31: stained glass

31 May 2022 63
A lamp shade high up in the hall at West Dean college. Luckily there is a galley corridor I could take this photo from. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 135mm f/2.5 lens.

May 18: admiring the view

18 May 2022 62
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 135mm f/2.5.

Chichester skull

12 Jun 2022 53
This marvellous skull is from the monument in Chichester Cathedral to Margaret Miller (died 1701) wife of Sir John Miller and two of their children. Various other members of the family, including Sir John himself (died 1721) and his second wife Ann (died 1709) were later added to the inscription.