Visiting Vancouver

King's Lynn

Visiting Vancouver

16 Feb 2022 87
A couple reading the plaque on the base of the statue to Vancouver. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 120mm f/2.8 lens.

Kings Lynn Customs House

16 Feb 2022 2 71
The Customs House in King's Lynn is an architectural gem and is, as a result, a Grade I listed building. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 28mm f/3.5 shift lens.

Feb 16: George Vancouver RN

16 Feb 2022 2 93
Statue of Captain George Vancouver, RN, explorer in the 18th century. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 120mm f/2.8 lens.

King's Lynn trough

16 Feb 2022 79
Where would we be without the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association? Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 120mm f/2.8 lens.

King's Lynn skulls (2)

16 Feb 2022 2 93
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 120mm f/2.8 lens.

King's Lynn skulls (1)

16 Feb 2022 86
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-M 50mm f/1.7 lens.