
St James' Church, Stanstead Abbotts


31 Oct 2020 64
Seen in the church. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax "K" 150mm f/4 lens.

St James, nave and chancel

31 Oct 2020 2 75
The church of St James, Stanstead Abbotts, is in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust. From the outside it looks like a fairly typical Hertfordshire parish church. However, on the inside is preserved almost unchanged from the 18th century. There are high box pews, a triple decker pulpit and other interesting church fittings. It doesn't lend itself to spectacular photographs, but is a super survival and well worth a visit. Sadly, it was raining hard during my visit so I have no exterior photographs, and light levels in the church were very low. This photo is much brighter than reality.


31 Oct 2020 1 66
I spotted this fine skull-and-cross bones gravestone from the shelter of the chuch porch. It was raining very hard! Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax "K" 150mm f/4 lens.