Gandhi's hands


Many images of this statue taken to test various lenses, cameras and films.


14 May 2010 230
The statue of Gandhi in Tavistock Square, London. Pentax LX, Ilford Delta 100, SMC Pentax-M 40mm f/2.8 pancake lens.

Gandhi (1)

13 May 2010 358
The statue of Gandhi in Tavistock Square, London. Pentax K20D with SMC-M 100mm f/2.8 lens.

Gandhi (2)

13 May 2010 232
The statue of Gandhi in Tavistock Square, London. Pentax K20D with SMC-M 100mm f/2.8 lens.

Ghandi (2)

29 Mar 2011 313
The monument to Ghandi in Tavistock Square, London. Pentax ES, Rollei Retro 400S, SMC Takumar 55mm f/1.8 lens, commercial dev and scan.

Ghandi (1)

29 Mar 2011 1 429
The monument to Ghandi in Tavistock Square, London. Pentax ES, Rollei Retro 400S, SMC Takumar 55mm f/1.8 lens, commercial dev and scan.

Ghandi (3)

29 Mar 2011 273
The monument to Ghandi in Tavistock Square, London. Pentax ES, Rollei Retro 400S, SMC Takumar 55mm f/1.8 lens, commercial dev and scan.

Gandhi and the leaves (2)

12 Mar 2013 1 420
Images taken in Tavistock Square testing my 'new' Werra IV loaded with Kodak Ektar 100 and using the standard lens.

Gandhi's back

12 Mar 2013 336
Images taken in Tavistock Square testing my 'new' Werra IV loaded with Kodak Ektar 100 and using the standard lens.

Gandhi in the distance

12 Mar 2013 316
Images taken in Tavistock Square testing my 'new' Werra IV loaded with Kodak Ektar 100 and using the standard lens.

Gandhi and the leaves (1)

12 Mar 2013 434
Images taken in Tavistock Square testing my 'new' Werra IV loaded with Kodak Ektar 100 and using the standard lens.

Gandhi panorama

09 Feb 2013 311
Tavistock Square, London. Horizont swing lens camera, Kodak BW400CN film.

Cold Gandhi

26 Jan 2013 1 589
Tavistock Square, London. Pentax KX, SMC Pentax-M 85mm f/2 lens, Ilford Delta 100 film.

Cold Gandhi in colour

27 Jan 2013 1 388
Minolta 7000, Minolta AF35-105 lens, Kodak Ektar 100 film.

Lunch with Gandhi

19 May 2012 266
Tavistock Square, London. Trying out my S-M-C Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens. Pentax ES loaded with Kodak Tmax 100 film.

Tavistock Square (1)

19 May 2012 2 445
The statue of Gandhi in Tavistock Square, London. Trying out my S-M-C Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens. Pentax ES loaded with Kodak Tmax 100 film.

Gandhi in the rain

28 Apr 2012 279
Tavistock Square, London. Pentax ESII, SMC Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens, Fuji Reala 100 film.

Gandhi, Tavistock Square, London

24 Oct 2012 368
Test roll from my £12.50 charity shop purchase of an Agfa Isolette II. Tri-X. commercial dev and scan, tweaked a little in Lightroom 1.4.

Gandhi and daffodils

27 Feb 2012 304
Tavistock Square, London. Pentax SFXn, SMC Pentax-F 35-70mm lens, Agfa APX 100 film.

60 items in total