
New York October 2018


09 Nov 2018 5 2 435
Pentax ME Super, Agfa APX 100, SMC Pentax K 135mm f/2.5 (at or close-to wide open).

Old meets new (1)

09 Nov 2018 2 209
The Oculus station in New York photographed using an Agfa Isolette II Ilford Delta 400 film. Commercial scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Old meets new (2)

09 Nov 2018 1 237
The Oculus station in New York photographed using an Agfa Isolette II Ilford Delta 400 film. Commercial scan tweaked in Lightroom.

Oculus fisheye

10 Nov 2018 2 265
Outside the station. Pentax ME Super with a SMC Pentax "K" 17mm fisheye lens using the built-in orange filter, Ilford SFX200 film.

One world trade fisheye

11 Nov 2018 1 270
Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax 'K' 17mm fisheye lens, Ilford SFX 200 film, built-in orange filter.

Trade center memorial

12 Nov 2018 2 1 289
Pentax ME Super, Kodak Portra 160, SMC Pentax 'K' 15mm lens.

Man at the Oculus (version 3)

13 Nov 2018 244
Finally, I thought a much harder crop would work. This is far beyond what I would normally consider for a 35mm frame, I wouldn't try printing it too large! Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax 'K' 135mm f/2.5 lens, Kodak Portra 160 film.

Man at the Oculus (version 1)

13 Nov 2018 1 239
This is the photograph with just some minor edits (slight crop, etc.). The mixed light source (daylight plus tungsten plus who knows what else) made the colour balance hard to find a pleasing compromise. Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax 'K' 135mm f/2.5 lens, Kodak Potra 160 film.

Man at the Oculus (version 2)

13 Nov 2018 2 1 262
I then tried converting the image to BW and think that this works better. The odd colours are less distracting. Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax 'K' 135mm f/2.5 lens, Kodak Potra 160 film.

Oculus reflections

18 Nov 2018 2 227
Pentax ME Super, Kodak Portra 160 film. I don't remember which of my K series primes I was using for this one, maybe the K50/1.4.

Cleaning the angel

18 Nov 2018 1 209
Cleaning the pigeon poo off the angel in the Bethesda fountain, Central Park, New York. Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax 'K' 135mm f/2.5 lens, Ilford Delta 100 film.

Fisheye monument

24 Nov 2018 1 260
Taken at the monument to those who died on 9/11. Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax "K" 17mm fisheye, Ilford SFX 200 film, built-in orange filter.

red and black

24 Nov 2018 1 1 217
Inside the Oculus, 2018. Pentax ME Super, Kodak Portra 160 film, one of my K-series primes.

Spooky stoop

29 Nov 2018 1 1 288
Seen on West 94th Street. Pentax ME Super, Kodak Ektar 100 film, SMC Pentax "K" 17mm fisheye.

Autumn in Central Park

29 Nov 2018 3 357
The iconic Central Park lamp post set against the autumn leaves. Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax 135mm f/2.5 lens, Kodak Ektar 100 film.

At the New York Public Library

01 Dec 2018 2 189
Pentax ME Super, Ilford Delta 100 film.

In a hurry

06 Dec 2018 3 1 173
Seen in New York. Pentax ME Super, Ilford Delta 100 film.


06 Dec 2018 1 227
Pentax ME Super, Ilford Delta 100, SMC Pentax 'K' 135mm f/2.5 lens.

36 items in total