M11 and neighbourhood


Folder: Astronomy

M11 and neighbourhood

30 Jul 2021 15 2 130
Two left pictures (pos and neg) are 23 exposures. Canon 700D with Samyang lens (f=85mm, f/2, T=23x10 sec and ISO 1600) Right picture are 100 exposures combined. Each exposure is 5 sec with ISO 3200 and Canon 700D attached to telescope with f=750 mm and f/5. The left pictures are 10x15 degrees fields in the Milkyway. The brighter stars and the so-called Schild cloud are visible by naked eye. M11, the Wild Duck Cluster, is an open starcluster and possibly the nicest in the northern skies because of it's suroundings. (Don't ask why it is called Wild Duck)

Three open starclusters (M 11, IC 4756 and N 6633)

08 Jul 2021 12 5 91
Canon 700D with Samyang lens (f=85 mm. f/2 T=15 sec and ISO 1600). Tracked wirh smal telescope.The size is about 10 x 15 degrees, i.e. 20 x 30 moons). The map on the right is taken from "Deep sky Reiseatlas" M. Feiler and P Noack, Oculum Verlag

Rosetta Nebula and NGC 2244 (view on black)

04 Mar 2021 9 3 114
The Rosetta Nebula is an emission nebula surrounding the open starcluster NGC 2244. It is located east of Betelgeuse, one of the brighter stars in the constellation Orion. The apperent size is about two full moons Canon 700D with Tamron 70-200 mm objective; f=200 mm, f/3,5, ISO 1600, combination of 300 exposures of 15 sec each (T=75 minutes). Tracked with telescope mount The PiP shows one f=50 mm exposure of the Rosetta area

M 13 Kugelsternhaufen (view on black)

22 Sep 2020 18 2 167
Unsere Galaxie (die Milchstrasse) ist wie andere Galaxien umgeben von 100-er Kugelsternhaufen. So ein Kugelsternhaufen enthält bis zu 1 Million sehr alte Sterne und hat einen Durchmesser von ~150 Lichtjahre. M 13 im Sternbild Herkules ist einer der schönsten die wir im Norden beobachten können. Left: Canon 700D mit Samyang f=85 mm, f/2,8, T= 10x15 sec, ISO 1600, whole field. Right: Canon in prime focus Newton reflector with f=750 mm, D=15 cm T= 40x10 sec, ISO 1600, cropped

Globular cluster M71

20 Sep 2020 10 168
Canon 700D in prime focus of Newton reflector with D=15 cm and f=750 mm T=50x30 sec, ISO 1600

Cygnus area I (view on black)

16 Sep 2020 7 138
Canon 700D with Samyang f=85 mm, f/2,8, T=25x30 sec, ISO 1600, whole field An area filled with dustclouds, emission nebula and stars. The highlights are the supernova remnant Cirrus and the open starcluster NGC 6940

Starcluster NGC 6940

M33 and NGC 752 (view on black)

15 Sep 2020 11 2 152
The constellation Triangulem is indicated and are the only stars that are easily visible by naked eye. M33 belongs to the Local Group of galaxies (M33, M31, The Milkyway, the LMC and SMC and some more).. The LMC and SMC can only be observed from the southern hemisphere, see Steve Paxon 's pictures. Canon 700D with Samyang f=85 mm, f/2,8, T=50x30 sec, ISO 1600, whole field of view

Comet Swan (C/2020 F8)

21 May 2020 7 2 149
21-05-2020, 01:08 Got it just before the clouds covered the area where to find comet Swan. The comet is just a few degrees above the horizon. It will get better in the comming days (weather permiting). Canon EOS 700D with Samyang lens f=85 mm f/2,8, T=30 sec, ISO 1600 and tracked with VIXEN Polari A useful link to find a.o. comets: theskylive.com/comets

The globular starcluster M3

26 Apr 2020 12 4 171
containing about 500.000 stars it is one of the largest globular clusters of our Milkyway en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messier_3

Das Haar der Berenike (Coma Berenices)

22 Apr 2020 16 12 178
Das Haar der Berenike sind die helle Sterne (Melotte 111). Weiter sind zwei helle Galaxien, N 4565 und N 4559, zu sehen Samyang lens f=85 mm, f/2,8, ISO 1600, T=50x15 sec. Ausschnitt Die PiPs zeigen Bilder gemacht mit meinem Teleskop


22 Mar 2020 16 10 198
Test of a Samyang objective. f=85 mm., f/2,8, T=17x30 sec, ISO 1600, used a startracker.The circumstances were far from perfect. Was surprised that it came out this good. Around the brightest stars there is some chromatic aberation. You have to be aware of the fact that with the unaided eye you can only see 6 or 7 stars in this area !!

Pleiades early in the evening

22 Mar 2020 16 8 167
Test of a Samyang objective. f=85 mm., f/2,8, T=41x15 sec, ISO 800, used a startracker

Starclusters in Cancer (view on black)

22 Mar 2020 9 2 130
The lines indicate the southern part of the constellation Cancer. M 44 is a well known open starcluster in our Milkyway. Image has been cropped. Combination of 25 exposures each T=15 sec. f=85 mm, f/2,8, ISO 800 with tracking

Starclusters in Gemini (view on black)

21 Mar 2020 10 1 150
Die Linien verbinden die Sterne die den Fuss von Castor, einer der Zwilinge, bilden. M35, N 2158 und N 2129 sind offene Sternhaufen (wie die Plejaden) und N 2175 ist ein Sternhaufen mit schwacher Nebel. Eine Einzelbelichtung (Ausschnitt) mit f=85 mm, f/2,8, T=15 sec, ISO 800 und Nachführung. Die Darstellung als Negativ zeigt Details und schwache Objekte besser


07 Feb 2018 7 209
An open starcluster in the constellation Gemini. Already good visible in a binocular f-750 mm, ISO1600, T=50 x 15 seconds

Plejades and California nebula

07 Jan 2018 12 8 239
Endlich mal wieder ein klarer, aber kalter, Nacht Combined 50 exposures each ISO=3200, f=50mm, f/3,2 and T=30 sec.

Double Cluster N869 and N864

02 Nov 2016 9 7 339
Combination of 7 exposures. For information see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_Cluster

40 items in total