Comet Neowise and a meteor


Folder: Astronomy

Comet P2/Pons-Brooks

10 Apr 2024 18 5 68
Canon 700D, f=190 mm, f/5,6, ISO=800, T=10x9 sec, cropped, tracked in the vicinity of the bright planet Jupiter, easily to catch fotografically

Comet P2/Pons-Brooks

09 Apr 2024 11 4 42
Canon 700D, f=85 mm, f/1,4, ISO 800, T=70x0,5 sec. Cropped

Comet P2/Pons-Brooks and Jupiter

09 Apr 2024 16 7 58
Main picture shows Jupiter and the comet.: Canon 700D ISO 800 T=10x0,5 sec, f=85 mm, f/1,4, slightly cropped PiP cropped picture T= 70x0,5 sec. PiP 2 bonus, the planet Uranus. it is just outside the main picture

Comet P2/Pons-Brooks

25 Mar 2024 8 2 62
Movement of the comet in two days. The horizontal bar indicates twice the apperent size of the Moon. Mothallah (arabic name for triangle) is the brightest star in the tiny constelation Triangle. PiP 1 shows cropped version of the comet pictures. Canon 700d, f=85mm, f/1,4, ISO 1600, T=50 x 1 sec. PiP 2 shows cropped version of the comet pictures. Canon 700d, f=85mm, f/1,4, ISO 1600, T=20 x 1 sec.

Comet P2/Pons-Brooks

23 Mar 2024 17 2 61
Ausschnit von vorigem Bild

Komet Pons-Brooks

23 Mar 2024 19 9 69
Das war ein Wettrennen zwischen Dämmerung und Wolken aus die Niederlande. Aber man erkennt den Kometen und sogar der Schweif ist zu sehen. Wenn man genau hinguckt sieht man auch M 33, einer unserer Nachbargalaxien (sehe auch PiP) Canon 700D f=85 mm, f/1,4, ISO 1600, T= 20 x1 sec

Last sighting of C/2022 E3

02 Mar 2023 12 1 57
Canon 700 D met f=85mm Combination of 50 exposures. Two exposures showed a nice meteor trail

C/2022 E3 nahe NGC1647

13 Feb 2023 7 57
Canon 700D attached to Newton Telescop, f=750 mm f/5 ISO 3200 T=250x15 sec.

Comet C/2022 E3

13 Feb 2023 14 5 102
near the open starcluster NGC 1647 in Taurus Canon 700D attached to f=360 mm refractor (f/6,0). Combination of 150 exposures, each T=15 sec and ISO 3200

C/2022 E3 nahe die Hyaden und NGC 1647

13 Feb 2023 16 4 107
Comet C/2022 E3 is in an interesting region of the sky. In the constelation Taurus, near the open starclusters Hyades and NGC 1647 and the bright star Aldebaran. Canon 700 D, f=85 mm, f/1.4, ISO 1600, T=150x 9 sec. Tracked with Vixen startracker. PiP1 shows picture made with a Newton f=750 mm Telescope PiP2 shows picture made with refractor with f=360 mm

Comet C/2022 E3 approaching Mars

08 Feb 2023 14 2 114
Canon 700D with f=85 mm. Combined 48 exposures, each 15 sec, f/1.4 and ISO 1600 Took pictures before moonrise. This payed off, both the ion and dust tails are visible

near Capella

06 Feb 2023 14 107
Canon 700 D attached to refractor f=360 mm. Combined all useable exposures, each exposure T=15 sec, ISO 1600. The gaps are due to passing clouds Udo's Komet

Comet C/2022 E3 near Capella

05 Feb 2023 11 1 75
Canon 700D attached to 360 mm refractor. 100 exposures combined , each exposure T=15 sec and ISO 1600 Capella is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga

I can see you .....

01 Feb 2023 15 5 87
a spell of (relatively) clear sky and fast moving clouds was enough to make some pictures of this comet. This is a single 6 sec. exposure with canon 700D and f=85 mm

Comet C/2022 E3

01 Feb 2023 16 12 81
Canon 700D with f=85 mm, used tracker. Combined 100 exposures each T=5 sec, f/1.4 and ISO 1600. Left whole field with combined centered on comet. Right cropped combination of comet centred picture and stars centered picture.

comet alert

30 Jan 2023 11 6 79
soon near a bright star, so easy to find and the comet itself is bright enough to be easily captured by a normal DSLR and tripod with f=50 mm (do not need tracking) and f> 50mm (needs tracking to get pointlike starimages.) In principle the comet is visible by naked eye but..... certainly less spectacular as Neowise a few years ago.

Comet C/2022 E3

20 Jan 2023 12 6 95
150 exposures, each T=15 sec f=85 mm f/1,4 and ISO 1600 combined in such a way that they are centered on the comet's core. Because of the movement of the comet the stars are shown as lines.

Comet C/2022 E3

20 Jan 2023 18 11 84
Comet 150 exposures combined. Background just one exposure. f=85 mm cropped

69 items in total