Perseïden campaign

Meteore Satelliten und Flugzeuge

Folder: Astronomy

13 Aug 2020

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Perseïden campaign

The end of a long night (03:45h). Mars is watching us and the Moon is getting higher and higher in the sky. A train of 12 Spacex satellites is crossing the field of view of the camera (the long exposure of 4x30 sec is the reason you don't see the individual satellites). We saw a couple of very nice and bright meteors, which unfortunately were outside the field of view of the camera. Canon EOS 700D with Canon zoom lens EF 5, used f=10 mm for a large field of view, f/3.5 T=30 sec ISO 1600. For this picture I combined 4 exposures that showed the Spacex satellites.

13 Aug 2020

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107 visits

Perseïden campaign

This is an Iridium satellite, not a Perseide. It has a symmetric light distribution and it moves slower and longer than a meteor

12 Aug 2020

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99 visits

Perseïden campaign

An Iridium satellite

12 Aug 2020

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173 visits

Perseïden campaign (view on black)

23:10 Uhr. Diese Perseïde haben wir gesehen und dann wars gerade auch noch fotografisch erfasst. Altaï, Wega und Deneb formen das Sommerdreieck. Auch die Milchstrasse ist klar zu sehen und ein kleines Wölkchen beim Dachzipfel.

22 Jul 2020

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Comet Neowise and a meteor

22-07-2020 01:45h. For the sake of lowering noise I combined 5 exposures. The meteor was visible (obviously) on only one exposure of 30 sec.. Canon 700 D Sigma f=50mm, f/2,8, T=5x30 sec, ISO 800

09 May 2020

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112 visits

Zwei SpaceX Satelliten

Als Nebenprodukt während der Suche nach der Komet Atlas. Zwei Bilder mit T=2 secunden kombiniert. Zeitspanne zwischen die Bilder ist ~6 secunden. Samyang Objektiv mit f=85 mm, f/1.4, ISO 1600.

23 Mar 2020

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Jupiter-Saturn conjunction alert

23-3-2020 5:00 Jupiter, Mars and Saturn rising above the south-eastern horizon and a rarity these days, a plane in the sky. And now, at the end of this year Jupiter and Saturn, get very close together (a so called conjunction). The distance between them on the sky is at the moment already less than the size of a full moon. You can see them in the early evening (~18h) in the south west, however, close to the horizon. Saturn appears much fainter than Jupiter. Hope the weather is fine. Jupiter and Saturn have a conjunction every 20 years, but they are not all the same. This year it will be the closest since 1623. The next very close one will be in 2080. So if you want to see a good one you have to try this year !!!!!

07 Feb 2020

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Mercury in the evening

24 Aug 2019

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261 visits

ISS Sun transit

Happens within one second, so you have to know where and when. The given link gives you this information:
30 items in total