M31; Andromeda Nebulae


Folder: Astronomy

Sombrero galaxie (M 104)

14 May 2024 7 1 60
Diese Galaxie sieht man von der Seite und daher sieht man sehr deutlich die Staubschicht in der Ebne der Galaxie. Für mich eine Herausforderung weil dieser Galaxie ziemlich nahe am Horizont steht und nur kurzer Zeit im Jahr gut beobachtbar ist Info: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sombrerogalaxie

Leo triple (view on black)

09 May 2024 7 2 36
three galaxies in the constellation Leo

M99 and M100

19 Apr 2023 20 12 124
two spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster Canon 700D attached to 350 mm refractor, ISO 3200, T=50x30 sec

Galaxies in Virgo cluster

The Markarian Chain of galaxies

14 Apr 2023 13 1 84
in the Virgo vluster of glaxies. (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgo-Galaxienhaufen) Canon 700D attached to Techsky refractor f=360 mm. T=50x30sec, ISO 3200

N 5907 and M 102

21 Jan 2023 3 65
f=85 mm field, cropped Canon 700 D with F=85 mm, 15 sec f/1 and ISO 1600. 50 exposures

N 6939 and 6946

19 Aug 2022 24 15 157
A nice spiral galaxy, N 6946, and an open starcluster, N 6939 in one field. The open starcluster is in our Milkyway, the spiral galaxy is 4000 times further away and is as big as our Milkyway. Canon 700D attached to a small refractor, f=360 mm, f/6.0. T=200 x 30 sec and ISO = 3200. Tracked with a telescope mount. This is an improvement of previous pictures I got of this pair (see PiP), but it still shows some smal tracking errors. So it will keep me busy. I put this in the Wereldfotografiedag group because this type of fotography is not done by many Ip members and it is my passion.

Leo triple (view on black)

23 Mar 2022 11 6 112
Three galaxies in a sea of star. The stars are in "our" Milkyway and these three galaxies are way out. Realize that the Milkyway and these three galaxies have each ~100 Miljard stars. Canon 700D attached to Technosky refractor (f=360 mm). T=255x15 sec, ISO 3200

M31, the Andromeda Nebula

02 Nov 2021 28 18 184
Tecnosky Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 60 ED FPL53, f=360 mm, f/6, T=16x30 sec, ISO 3200 A spiral galaxy, similar in size to the Milkyway and in our vicinity

M31, Andromeda nebula (see on black)

02 Nov 2021 18 8 98
Tecnosky Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 60 ED FPL53, f=360 mm, f/6, T=16x30 sec, ISO 3200 A revised treatment of older exposures (the PiP shows a BW version). The enlargement is yet another treatment to show the centre. The centre of our neighbour harbours a black hole, so does our own Milkyway.

N 6946 and N 6939

05 Oct 2021 11 2 134
Left pictures (pos and neg): Canon 700D, T=15 sec, f=85 mm, ISO 1600, f/2, 50% cropped Right picture: Canon 700D attached to telescope, T=5x1 min, ISO 3200, f=750 mm f/5 The picture is an area in the constellation Cepheus. N 6939 is an open starcluster in "our" Milkyway and is at a distance of ~3900 Ly. N 6946 is a galaxy like "our" Milkyway and is at a distance of 20 Mio Ly

M 31 the Andromeda nebula

09 Sep 2021 24 13 174
Canon 700D with Tamron lens 70-200 mm. ISO 1600, f=85 mm, f/2,8 and T=20x15 sec. Tracking by small telescope. M31 is our neighbour and a galaxy like our "own".

M 81 and M 82

08 Jun 2021 7 105
M81 and M82 are a well known interacting pair of galaxies Canon 700D attached to telescope: f=750 mm, f/5, ISO 3200, T=150x15 sec

M 108 and M 97

08 Jun 2021 11 1 102
Canon 700D attached to telescope: f=750 mm f/5, ISO 3200, T=100x15 sec. M97, the Owl Nebula, is a planetary nebula in "our" galaxy" at a distance of 1300 Lj. M108 (NGC3556) is a galaxy at 45 miljon Lj. and featured in my first scientific publication.

Edge-on galaxy NGC 5907

01 Jun 2021 14 3 91
Taken with Canon 700D attached to telescope: f=750 mm, f/5, ISO=3200, T=80x15 sec.

M101, a galaxy seen face-on

01 Jun 2021 8 3 105
M 101 is a galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major (in which Alkaid is one of the brighter stars). The halo around the bright stars is due to lens errors. Left and middle a positive and negative display of whole field, taken with Canon 700D and Samyang lens: f=85 mm, f/2.0, ISO 1600, T=50x15 sec. Picture on the right taken with Canon 700D attached to telescope: f=750 mm, f/5, ISO=3200, T=50x15 sec.

Face on galaxy M 101

01 Jun 2021 18 7 136
Canon 700D attached to telescope: f=750 mm, f/5, ISO=3200, T=100x15 sec. This galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major is at a distance of ~16 Miljon Ly., has a size of ~170.000 Ly and has a mass of ~100 billion solar masses. It is a bigger galaxy than our own Milkyway. On a picture like this you only see the bright spiral arms. Most of the mass you don't see here. It is like a picture taken from space of f.i. Germany at night, you only see the bigger cities.

M33 revised

19 May 2021 10 1 93
A galxy belonging to the Local Group. Other members are the Milkyway and M31, the Andromeda nebula Canon 700D with Samyang f=85 mm, f/2,8, T=50x30 sec, ISO 1600, cropped

59 items in total