Ko Hummel's photos

Im Borkener Paradies

16 Oct 2017 29 12 272
Eva Cassidy: Tall tree in Georgia www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbQst5HZj6E

Sturmtief Sabine

09 Feb 2020 4 114
oben: während eine heftige Böhe unten: als es wieder etwas ruhiger war

Venus in the evening

07 Feb 2020 22 12 168
Shockin Blue: Venus www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPEhQugz-Ew

Mercury in the evening

First sighting of Mercury

07 Feb 2020 6 1 97
Merkur zeigt sich vom 6. bis 12. Februar am Abendhimmel. Diese Aufnahme ist rund 18:30 gemacht.

Lass mich nicht einzäunen

01 Jan 2008 26 26 223
Scan of 1982 slide

A 22 degree Halo around the Moon

05 Feb 2020 15 8 172
This is caused by tiny ice cristals in the upper atmosphere. Unfortunately the sky was not completely clear. More info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_(optical_phenomenon)

Barringer Meteor Crater

01 Jan 2008 27 13 194
Used a scan of a 1981 slide and a recent exposure of a "falling star", one of the Perseïdes About 50,000 years ago, a rock fragment hit the earth in northern Arizona and created a crater with a diameter of 1,2 km. (tiny compared to the craters we see on the moon). The rock, composed of nickel and iron, was about 50 meters across and weighed 300,000 tons. It was travelling at 12.8 kilometers per second. Upon entering the earth’s atmosphere it became a giant fireball that streaked across the North American sky. When it crashed into the plains of Arizona, it exploded with a force of about 150 times the force of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.

Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Festival

24 Jan 2020 18 4 141
Scan of 1982 slide. The largest hot air balloon event in the world, every year in the fall.

New life

02 Oct 2010 29 20 172
Nature will survive us

Hinterlassener Schatten

Scotland, you are welcome

01 Jan 2008 11 4 133
Scott monument in Edinbourgh Scan of 1992 slide

Verzögerter Schatten


30 Nov 2019 10 8 130
in Gisela's Schatztruhe, ihr Handy.


01 Jan 2008 20 9 148
Scan of 1992 slide


01 Jan 2008 10 2 111
Scan of 1992 slide

4321 items in total