ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos


12 May 2001 415
OK, don't know where they are but they are pretty good. ;-) See where this picture was taken. [?]


12 May 2001 460
Some fireworks-tryouts, without tripod See where this picture was taken. [?]


12 May 2001 431
Some fireworks-tryouts, without tripod See where this picture was taken. [?]


12 May 2001 417
Some fireworks-tryouts, without tripod See where this picture was taken. [?]


12 May 2001 414
Some fireworks-tryouts, without tripod See where this picture was taken. [?]


12 May 2001 423
Some fireworks-tryouts, without tripod See where this picture was taken. [?]

Pauly: Toilet-trained cat...

03 May 2001 574
Yes, pauly is going on MY toilet. He usually don't want to go on the own and sometimes I asked myself why I have buyed a cat-toilet... Badly this is the only pic I've taken about this issue. www.karawynn.net/mishacat/toilet.html


02 May 2001 420
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips Building with interesting painting


02 May 2001 396
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips Harbour. Could be Amsterdam.


02 May 2001 1 1 530
Reise in die Niederlande, um dort einige Tulpen auszusuchen. Ich mag dieses "Uit", weil es sich wie ein bremsendes Auto liest. Und in diesem Fall wundere ich mich über das blaue Nummernschild - in den Niederlanden werden normalerweise gelb unterlegte verwendet?! Gruppe Thema der Woche: " Auf der Straße ". Gruppe Domino : Blick aus einem Auto vom Beifahrersitz aus auf eine Autobahn bzw. Schnellstraße.

Reflecting building of kpn

02 May 2001 2 990
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips. Typically building of he 90th...


02 May 2001 372
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips


02 May 2001 523
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips See where this picture was taken. [?]


02 May 2001 578
Keukenhof. Domino-Gruppe : Überdachte Wildnis .


02 May 2001 1 3 686
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips 10-Wochen- Fotoprojekt, Bäume: Woche 6 (09.-15. Februar): Baumteile: Stamm/Äste/Zweige


02 May 2001 957
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips


02 May 2001 564
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips


02 May 2001 1 4 835
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips

5146 items in total