Entebbe Airport Guest House

Uganda, 2013

A break from South Sudan for me, a holiday for Angharad, and a chance for us both to spend some time together, right down by the Equator!

Uganda is wonderful. Go and meet it. Couldn't recommend it more highly.

Worked for me too!

Deer I

02 May 2013 157
In the background — that's the Congo! Lake Albert in between.

Deer II

02 May 2013 158
In the background — that's the Congo! Lake Albert in between.


02 May 2013 180
The next thing to run across in front of me was basically Jurassic. A giant monitor lizard. (No time for camera, too busy being wide-eyed and a tiny bit petrified! ;) )

Drinking by the tracks

02 May 2013 166
Butterfly hobos :)

Moo family gathering


02 May 2013 218
Those are elephants! We just couldn't quite believe it. In the wild, not even a national park. I'll set the scene over the next couple of photos and then we'll get back to the heffalumps.


02 May 2013 193
Our little savannah Toyota :)

What's that over there..?

02 May 2013 225
You've already seen the first one. Now wait for it...


02 May 2013 175
Those are freaking elephants! We were SO excited.

Real, actual elephants.

02 May 2013 164
Just the other side of the Nile from our tent. Oh yes, the actual Nile, too. ;)


Police and thieves

02 May 2013 198
The lovely people at the Nile River Lodge allow camping which means that you spend just $20 but get access to their incredible views (and the terrace built out over the river), their bar and restaurant, and apparently also their pool. They also insisted in providing us with our very own security guard all night. We wondered who on earth might trouble us this far out, and then we realised... not humans, but these guys! To them, tent equals food. The guard went way beyond the call of duty though, putting up little petrol lanterns, making a bonfire, and even washing our car for us!

The morning after

03 May 2013 1 181
And here is Ravvie the morning AFTER being washed by our lovely security guard. Unfortunately, it had rained overnight – actually two enormous thunderstorms had converged on our position! – and the roads became just a little less passable than they had been on the way in to the campsite...

Totally safe ferry

03 May 2013 1 178
A bit like Woolwich. Well, they're both yellow.

Does my bum look big in this?

What lies beneath

98 items in total