Entebbe Airport Guest House

Uganda, 2013

A break from South Sudan for me, a holiday for Angharad, and a chance for us both to spend some time together, right down by the Equator!

Uganda is wonderful. Go and meet it. Couldn't recommend it more highly.

Entebbe Airport Guest House

06 May 2013 233
One of the many basically unspoilt 1920s (and thereabouts) buildings that make up Entebbe's fascinating architecture.

Arrived in Africa!

27 Apr 2013 245
I had a few hours to enjoy the abundance of birdlife in the grounds of the Airport Lodge in Entebbe, before Angharad's flight got in. It's a really friendly place I'd not hesitate to recommend. Once she arrived, it really felt like a proper African adventure was beginning...

What's she got there?

27 Apr 2013 201
You're going to have to look at the next picture to find out...

That just is cricket!



27 Apr 2013 209
Early on, the urge was to photograph everything. Uganda was just so lush, so beautiful.

Flora, and fauna

Sometimes, you've just got to be Tarzan


27 Apr 2013 215
In the atmospheric rainforest part of the Entebbe botanical gardens

Thanks to our guide!

27 Apr 2013 244
A brilliantly knowledgeable botany student attached himself to us in exchange for a contribution to his textbook fund!

Monkey business

Café attractions...

Golden web spiders

Just going for a walk with the local cow...

So you say you want an evolution?

28 Apr 2013 218
Well, you know, everybody wants to change the world...


28 Apr 2013 243
Note, that's edifying, not edible.

Our first big game!

28 Apr 2013 227
This is in Entebbe's "Wildlife Education Centre". It's not just a zoo. Most of the creatures here have been rescued at the airport from where they were being illegally exported. Others are orphans.

Everywhere you look

28 Apr 2013 257
We loved the presentation at the Wildlife Education Centre, which had lots of places to look into good sized enclosures.

98 items in total