Keith Burton's photos

Inner beauty

...........and then there was light!

20 Jan 2012 2 2 206
Nothing special, but I like the colours.

Creeping Thistle

Shopping fatigue........

20 Jan 2012 218
Taken this evening in Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth.

Little boxes.............

01 Jul 2012 232
..................on the hillside. Little boxes made of ticky-tacky........... (these reminded me of the words of the song by Malvina Reynolds 1962)

A pile of junk!

This is a photo opportunity

01 Jul 2012 231
3D painting on the wall of an empty building on Swanage seafront. Been done lots of times........but not by me!

Wild Flower

05 Jul 2011 211
........a Great Willowherb, I think.


01 Jul 2012 1 2 218
A tender moment.

Sails on the horizon

01 Jul 2012 159
Taken during a very sunny and bright afternoon in Swanage.


05 Jul 2012 162
These were taken inside the Reed Bed hide at WWT Arundel where they have built a nest. It is very dark inside the hide. This one was taken at !SO 6400. Also a large crop.

Swallow with young

05 Jul 2012 208
These were taken inside the Reed Bed hide at WWT Arundel where they have built a nest. It is very dark inside the hide. This one was taken at ISO 6400. Also a large crop.

Swallow with young

05 Jul 2012 182
These were taken inside the Reed Bed hide at WWT Arundel where they have built a nest. It is very dark inside the hide. This one was taken at ISO 4000. Also a large crop.

A red postbox for Angie...........

01 Jul 2012 193
Couldn't resist this shot!

Jed and his Harley

01 Jul 2012 1 225
Met him on the sea-front at Swanage........lovely chap, quite happy to have his photo taken and to talk about his bike.

Jed and his Harley

01 Jul 2012 247
Met him on the sea-front at Swanage........lovely chap, quite happy to have his photo taken and to talk about his bike.

7327 photos in total