Keith Burton's photos

Bosham Harbour (+PiP)

20 Sep 2024 6 2 13
A view across the harbour at Bosham, in West Sussex.........this time captured at high tide and from the opposite side of the harbour looking towards the harbour entrance with the village on the right. You can see how high the tide is, but to get a better idea, have a look at the PiP. I was standing just to the right of the sign..!! Best viewed large!

Portsmouth Street Art (+ PiPs)

17 Sep 2024 9 12 21
Portsmouth and the surrounding area recently hosted a Street Art Festival, during which artists from the UK and elsewhere in the world spent several days painting. These are just a few of the ones I've seen so far, but there are over 100 more I have yet to visit. I'll be posting them on IP in small batches, so as not to bore anyone. KATIESCOTT_COLLECTIVE is the artist for this one. PiP 1........bexgloverart PiP 2........ _HUTCH_ PiP 3........Abraham.o I'm sure you can look them up online if you are interested.


19 Sep 2024 18 18 29
Also known as Stonecrop or Ice Plants. I have quite a large crop of these in my garden, so I brought this little piece indoors to photograph. Taken in natural light using a piece of textured card from a craft shop as a background. A lot of our flowers are starting to die off now, so I've been bringing a few indoors to photograph them before they get too you'll see some more in due course.

"Have a Nice Day"

18 Sep 2024 15 16 29
This dried pasta has been sitting in our kitchen cupboard for ages, so I'd thought it was about time I took a photo of it. Maybe one day we'll get round to eating it :-)))

Dell Quay

23 Feb 2024 17 20 38
A rather nice looking motor boat at it's moorings in Dell Quay, West Sussex. Taken during a walk last February, so I thought it was about time I posted it. Check out the PiP for some more boats at their moorings in Dell Quay, also taken last February. Thanks for looking.

Trees, West Dean Gardens

19 Aug 2024 16 20 37
Taken during a walk around West Dean Gardens last month on a disappointingly dull day! I hope none of my Ipernity friends have been affected by the awful floods in Europe that we're seeing so much of on our news the last couple of days :-(

The Big Hoot

15 Sep 2024 17 22 39
The has been an art trail called The Big Hoot featuring some arty owl sculptures nesting around Chichester and Arundel. The Big Hoot is raising vital funds for Chestnut Tree House, which is a local Hospice. I didn't set out to follow the trail, but I did take a few photos whilst in Chichester.

Lunch Time Al Fresco

09 Sep 2024 27 32 59
I managed to grab this candid shot just as we were walking back to the car after a look around the craft centre in Bosham, West Sussex.

Small White Butterfly

12 Sep 2024 23 39 62
Taken in my garden. Have a good weekend everyone :-)

Sycamore......Seed Pods

10 Sep 2024 21 27 47
We have a huge Sycamore tree in our garden and now Autumn is approaching, I'm starting to find lots of these seed pods. If we don't pick them up we'll have dozens of seedling trees in the spring! Taken indoors in my studio (well........on my tabletop anyway) :-))

Street Artist at Work

11 Sep 2024 31 42 69
This is the street artist "My Dog Sighs" working on a piece of art on the side of the footbridge of Cosham railway Station, Hampshire. This will be his contribution to the street art festival taking place this coming weekend. He's a lovely guy and was quite happy for me to take a photo and to chat for a few minutes about his work. I will eventually go back and take a photo of the finished piece. In the PiP is a quick shot of took of the "tools of his trade". This is NOT meant as an HWW image, so no HWW group suggestions please :-)

The Center of a White Anemone

10 Sep 2024 31 36 52
Taken from my garden and photographed indoors. The whole flower can be seen in the PiP if you are interested.

Bosham Harbour

09 Sep 2024 24 36 50
A view across Bosham Harbour at low tide.........taken this morning.

Gazania Still-life

04 Sep 2024 17 24 47
It's been raining a lot recently so I decided to do some more tabletop photography. The flower came from a pot in our garden and the background was a sheet of corrugated cardboard from a local craft shop. I quite like the simplicity and minimalism in this one. Taken indoors in natural light. I've put another, very similar, shot in the PiP as I couldn't make up my mind which I liked best. Thanks to everyone who has visited my photo stream lately and left a comment and/or a yellow star. Always appreciated. I hope everyone has a good week ahead.

Sea Holly (Eryngium)

19 Aug 2024 16 24 36
An overhead shot showing the dead heads of a Sea Holly plant. Taken in West Dean Gardens, West Sussex. Still beautiful, even as they are dying back!

A view across the Mill Pond, Langstone Harbour

28 Aug 2024 17 25 49
Taken during a walk a week or so ago. The weather was much better than it is at the moment..!! Have a good weekend everyone :-)

Fool's Parsley Seedhead (Arethusa cynapium)

18 Aug 2024 20 26 42
I found this growing in my front garden, probably because a few years back we spread around the contents of a large bag of anonymous wild flower seeds! Don't confuse this with normal Parsley, (Petroselinum crispum). Fool's parsely is poisonous!


04 Sep 2024 19 30 53
The pigeons that visit our garden must have been very hungry today as they spent ages fighting over the seed I put out for them. Afterwards I found quite a few feather lying around, so I thought I'd put them to good use. Taken indoors in natural light from the window, the background is a piece of white card, and the "base: for the feathers is a bit of very soft driftwood I found on the beach a while ago. Thanks for looking.

7327 photos in total