One Pair........Two Pears.

Still Life/Tabletop Photography

Liquid Gold

20 Feb 2020 27 31 236
Another tabletop photography experiment - using evening primrose oil capsules. Photographed on black in natural (window) light and processed using ON1 Raw.

Playing with Paperclips 1

20 Feb 2020 18 15 198
What else is there to do on a wet, windy and rainy day?

Playing with Paperclips 2

20 Feb 2020 9 12 178
What else is there to do on a wet, windy and rainy day?

St Valentine's Day Refractions

21 Dec 2019 9 12 222
Have a great day folks..!!

Pin Cushion

05 Feb 2020 18 23 169
We were just going to put this in a bag of stuff to go to a charity shop, when I thought I'd grab a photo of it first...........I think it turned out quite well..!! Please view large, on black. Thank you.


01 Jan 2020 11 14 170
Still photographing stuff indoors due to rubbish weather.


01 Jan 2020 15 16 174
A present from one of my daughters...............don't ya just love it's Christmas Jumper? I think I've pretty much caught up on all your photos's now................I apologise if I've missed anyone :-))


01 Jan 2020 28 21 290
I found this seed head skeleton while out walking on Christmas Eve and took it home to photograph. I used some patterned paper as a background. Try viewing large for best effect. I'll be playing catch up with my commenting, so bear with me and I"ll get round to you all as soon as I can :-)


21 Dec 2019 27 21 236
I won't be around very much over the next few days (unless I can sneak a bit of computer time when the grandchildren are in bed), so I thought I'd take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. If you don't celebrate Christmas then "Happy "Holidays" to you. Take care everyone ;-)

Water Droplets 4

21 Dec 2019 23 16 231
Just playing around :-))

Fading Beauty

11 Dec 2019 17 18 192
Well past it's best...........but still lovely! Photographed indoors on a white backgrond.

Seeing Stars

15 Dec 2019 8 12 156
More indoor photography........................

Sea Urchin Shell

15 Dec 2019 24 25 220
I've had a couple of these since I lived in Malta in the early 70s, but I've never even thought of taking a photo of one until now. I think it looks quite cool on the black background. The shell is quite translucent, so I now need to figure how to light it from the inside without damaging it, so I can try another photo. Please view large, on black. Thank you.

Two of my Five-a-Day

15 Dec 2019 22 33 231
I haven't told them I'm going to eat them after I've made their portrait...............but I think they may be starting to suspect something!

Let the Good Times Be Gin

11 Dec 2019 16 37 201
As the rubbish weather continues, so do the indoor photography experiments :-) I'm happy with the black background, but I don't think I've nailed the lighting yet, although I think this is a good start.

Marigold Bud

11 Dec 2019 29 22 223
I've still got a few Marigold flowers growing in the garden (although there's one less bud now)!

Water Droplets 3

08 Dec 2019 6 14 185
Allsorts..!! The last of these (for now).

Water Droplets 1

08 Dec 2019 22 20 235
Rubbish weather today, so I've been experimenting with some water droplet refraction. I made a basic error by not checking my iso before I started shooting and it wasn't until I got them on the computer that I noticed I'd left the camera on iso 1250, so these are a bit noisy. Overall though, I'm happy that I got the technique pretty much OK, so just a bit more practice needed.

246 items in total