One Pair........Two Pears.

Still Life/Tabletop Photography

Dried Leaves (2)

02 Dec 2021 19 14 114
These leaves were collected and dried the same as the ones in my last image ( ), but the decomposition was a bit further advanced as can be seen by the holes, ragged edges etc. Go large if you have time. Thanks for looking. Have a lovely Friday and an enjoyable weekend.

Dried Leaves

02 Dec 2021 19 17 115
I picked these leaves up in our local park a month or so ago and put them between two sheets of paper inside a heavy book to flatten them out. I thought they'd make a nice photo and I hope you think so too. I'm not sure of the type of tree these are from, but probably a variety of Maple. Taken indoors, white card as a background and flash bounced off the ceiling. Best viewed large. Thanks for looking.

Tomatoes on the Vine

02 Dec 2021 27 18 126
Taken in my indoor studio (the bathroom) yesterday, The background is a piece of white card and I used a flash, bounced off the ceiling for lighting. Enjoy your day everyone...........and have an enjoyable weekend. Stay safe!

Love-in-a Mist (Nigella)

15 Jun 2021 27 20 148
The flower comes from my garden.........photographed on my tabletop. Go large, if you wish. Thanks to everyone who has visited, commented and/or left stars on my photos of this past week. Have a great day...........and an enjoyable weekend.

Seaside Daisy (Erigeron)

15 Jun 2021 28 19 150
From my garden to my tabletop. For the background I used a page from a book of art & craft samples. Natural light through the window and a reflector.

Pine Cones (+ PiP)

11 May 2021 32 21 183
Found these on the forest floor during a walk and took them home to photograph on the tabletop. The original colour version is in the PiP. Personally I prefer this version. Treat yourself........go large!


11 May 2021 30 24 200
Taken on my tabletop. This wild flower is very similar to a dandelion, but I think it's one of the varieties of Hawksbeard. It's very confusing as there are a myriad of yellow wildflowers that look like these. Go large :-) I hope you all have a great weekend. My thoughts are with Andy Rodker, who is still fighting for his life; and his friends and family.

Dandelion Seed Head with Water Droplets (+PiP)

11 May 2021 34 33 212
Taken on my tabletop. I tried to upload these at around 10am today - gave up trying half an hour later. I've been out for a few hours and now (at 2:30pm) they've appeared. Best viewed large. Thank you. Please see the PiP for the without water droplets version. The previous photo (Bluebell woods) was one I tried and thought I'd failed to upload 3 days ago and that has also appeared. Check it out if you have time.

Spanish Bluebells

11 May 2021 28 19 159
From my garden.

Yellow Tulip

25 Apr 2021 23 24 172
I noticed this tulip in my neighbours's stem was broken and with her permission I decided to give it a new lease of (virtual) life. Photographed on my tabletop. Black card as a background and natural light through the window. Go large for best effect.........thank you.

Inside a Red Tulip

25 Apr 2021 26 25 164
My wife had some tulips in a vase and they were looking a bit worse for wear, so before they were thrown away I grabbed one and removed a petal to allow me to make this image. Go large if you have time!

Grape Hyacinth in a Glass Vase (+PiP)

04 Apr 2021 28 27 165
Playing around on the tabletop again. A bonus image of some miscellany in the PiP. Enjoy your day folks :-)

Nailed It!

04 Apr 2021 15 18 126
Still playing around at tabletop photography. My wife's nail polish looked like it would make a colourful subject. Taken using a black card as a background and natural light from the window. I used a texture to improve the background in post processing.

Framed Feather (+PiP)

23 Mar 2021 25 20 127
The last two of my tabletop photography attempts for now. I used the same method as earlier but using a couple of feathers found in the garden. Please see the PiP for the other image. Best viewed large.........thanks for looking.

Still Life

23 Mar 2021 27 24 270
Tabletop photography again. I often pick up stuff that I think I might use in a photo..........this time it's a couple of pine cones and a tiny flower head.

An Alternative Moon

23 Mar 2021 24 25 146
As I'm too lazy to go out in the dark to photograph the moon (and anyway there's too much light pollution where I live), I decided to make my own planet and photograph it from the comfort of my living room.


23 Mar 2021 23 26 147
As I couldn't go out yesterday as we had workmen in to do some fence repairs, I decided to try some more tabletop photography. For this one I "borrowed" a lily flower head from a bunch of my wife's flowers. I used a large piece of black card as the background and a white insert from an old framed photo to frame the flower. I really need to sort of some decent background material........card is OK, but it still reflects light a bit and is prone to scratches. Also in close up images you can sometimes see the texture in it as well. I think some sort of black velvet material would be better and I intend to investigate that. I also need to sort out some proper lighting. This was made using natural light from the window and a white piece of card as a reflector. It works but is unwieldy. Actually, what I really need is a home studio :-))) Anyway, hope you like this one. I have some more to share in due course, but don't want to bore you. Go large for best effect. Thanks for looking.

Miniature Daffodil in a Miniature Bottle

15 Mar 2021 40 34 242
Shot on the tabletop in my living room. Natural light from the window and a piece of white card as a background. I added a subtle bokeh-type texture in post processing.

244 items in total