Masonic Temple, with Snow

Birthday to Birthday

This project began on my 65th birthday and ended on my 66th. The only plan was to take daily photographs.

There's no system here, and no operating rules. I just took photographs every day and decided the next day which of those went into this album.

Refuge from the Storm

03 Oct 2014 3 2 243
Swede's Restaurant, Mulliken, Michigan.

A Little Tree

04 Oct 2014 1 1 234
Autumn on Dow Road, Sunfield, Michigan.

Stowell and Sons

05 Oct 2014 1 1 236
Woodland, Michigan.

We are One in Christ

06 Oct 2014 1 1 330
The sanctuary of Lutheran Church of the Savior in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

After the Storm

07 Oct 2014 3 1 254
Near Eaton Rapids, Michigan.

A Road Into the Woods

08 Oct 2014 3 1 214
I pass this view every time I drive to Kalamazoo and have been promising myself I'd catch it in a photo. So today I stopped. Saddlebag Lake Road, south of Woodbury, Michigan.

Dahlias in the Circle

09 Oct 2014 2 211
This year's version of our Circle Garden wasn't really a success. A half-dozen Shasta Daisies just don't cut it, and the Dahlias I planted in May seemed pretty unenthusiastic about the location. Until mid-September, anyway. Finally they started growing. And blossoming.


11 Oct 2014 1 205
A foggy, but sunny, autumn morning. Mulliken, Michigan.


12 Oct 2014 1 1 240
Sandhill Cranes against the sky, at Michigan Audubon's Baker Sanctuary. I'm pleased with the composition on this one, but am unhappy with the detail. Once again I was using the Nikon V2 and the 300 mm lens, but still wasn't nailing the focus. Still learnin'. Things will eventually sort out, I expect.

Platform Feeder

13 Oct 2014 3 176
Food for birds in our backyard, on a dull and hazy day.


14 Oct 2014 141
With a bit of color out behind in the woodlot. About a mile west of Mulliken, Michigan. I've photographed this barn before .
15 Oct 2014 2 233
North of Charlotte, Michigan.

Let's Climb a Tree

16 Oct 2014 3 241
Portland (Michigan) Riverwalk.


17 Oct 2014 1 2 221
Scott Street, Grand Ledge, Michigan.

Dew on the Mornin' Glory

18 Oct 2014 2 2 202
I'm a bit under the weather today, so don't expect much from this corner....

366 items in total