Masonic Temple, with Snow

Birthday to Birthday

This project began on my 65th birthday and ended on my 66th. The only plan was to take daily photographs.

There's no system here, and no operating rules. I just took photographs every day and decided the next day which of those went into this album.

A Bench

08 Aug 2014 161
Behind About the Home in Grand Ledge, Michigan.

The View from the Tower

09 Aug 2014 2 164
Click here for a BIGGER version . At the Maple River State Game Area, north of St. Johns, Michigan. The SGA is a joint endeavor between the State's Department of Natural Resources and Michigan Ducks Unlimited. We saw lots of birds, but few up close. The photo's stitched together from six smaller photographs. The visible distortions are partly the software and partly the wide angle lens I was using.

Pin Cushion

10 Aug 2014 2 1 154
Been trying for months to get a good Pincushion Flower photo.


11 Aug 2014 1 1 189
One Sunflower . A more conventional, straight into the flower's face, view of the sunflower we've been watching open for the past week. As you can see, as of this morning the flower's pretty much fully developed.

Barn and Outbuildings

12 Aug 2014 1 1 186
Near Nashville, Michigan. This barn and farmyard from a different angle .

The Pollen Collector

13 Aug 2014 1 1 238
On that same sunflower. Getting this photo was harder than I expected.... Now the pace of the sunflower pix will slow. But we may be watching it decay until April. One Sunflower .

George Laker

14 Aug 2014 1 306
Playing Dobro with Out of the Blue, a Michigan-based bluegrass band, at the Milan (Michigan) Bluegrass Festival.

The Impressively Talented Becky Buller

15 Aug 2014 1 198
Playing fiddle with the Darin and Brooke Aldridge Band at the Milan (Michigan) Bluegrass Festival. Becky has a website .

The Spinney Brothers

16 Aug 2014 141
Some bluegrass acts are perpetual motion machines.... The Spinney Brothers, from Nova Scotia. Gary Dalrymple (mandolin), Rick Spinney (banjo), Al Spinney (guitar), and Terry Poirier (bass). Milan, Michigan, Bluegrass Festival.

Dundee's Old Mill

17 Aug 2014 2 1 214
Dundee, Michigan


18 Aug 2014 179
When we first built the trellis, Joan planted Morning Glories and they covered the trellis every summer. Somewhere along the way we replaced those with Roses, which have turned out to be inconsistent. So this year, again, she planted Morning Glories. The first opened over the weekend, and so far we've had two each day. We're hoping for more....

Deconstructing Boyer's

19 Aug 2014 1 3 116
They're removing the tanks from my village's decommissioned gasoline (petrol, for some of you) station this week. In the process they've blocked off one of the town's main roads mere days before our annual town party . Hope things settle down before Friday.


20 Aug 2014 3 2 206
North of Charlotte, Michigan.

Main Street, Mostly Empty, with Tractor

21 Aug 2014 1 204
Sunfield, Michigan.

Two Dahlias

24 Aug 2014 191
Come August, our garden beds get less interesting. Most of the blossoms have faded, and some of the plants are turning brown. There are exceptions, of course. We keep getting new Coneflowers (though the older ones, turning brown, predominate). This year the Black-Eyed Susans have been surprisingly successful. And amongst the annuals, the Dahlias have been quite fine.

Barn with Sunflowers, Saginaw Highway

25 Aug 2014 4 2 330
Near Mulliken, Michigan. File this one under "Sometimes you point the camera and get lucky."

A House by the Lake

26 Aug 2014 1 214
Three Lakes, Richland, Michigan.

366 items in total