First Breakfast in France - September 2010

For the Love of France

11 Sep 2010

1 favorite

199 visits

First Breakfast in France - September 2010

At the Brasserie Les Touristes (Cafe Les Tourists) in Caen. At 3, Boulevard de Marechal Leclerc - very good cafe!

11 Sep 2010

1 favorite

168 visits

First Coffee in France - September 2010

At the Brasserie Les Touristes (Cafe Les Touristes) in Caen. At 3, Boulevard de Marechal Leclerc - very good cafe!

14 Sep 2010

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163 visits

Bayeux Bus Station with Bayeux Cathedral - Sept 2010

Bus terminus at Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy. The towers of Bayeux Cathedral can be seen in the distance. The bus ticket office is through the double white doors. This building is opposite the train station.

16 Sep 2010

159 visits

Early Morning at Bayeux Train Station - Sept 2010

Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France.

16 Sep 2010

169 visits

Early Morning Sun at Bayeux Train Station - Sept 2010

Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France.

15 Sep 2010

4 favorites


82 visits

Red flowers in Bayeux (2010 archive)

A weir and water wheel on the River Aure in Bayeux, Normandy, France.

17 Sep 2010

2 favorites


61 visits

Bikes in Bayeux (Archive 2010)

Bicycles parked near the shop and creperie at Rue de Nesmond, Bayeux, Normandy, France.

15 Sep 2010

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1 comment

79 visits

Shop in Bayeux (Archive 2010)

Bayeux, Normandy, France.

15 Sep 2010

146 visits

Hotel Tardiff Courtyard in Bayeux - Sept 2010

Hotel Tardiff is in Rue de Nesmond, Bayeux, France. I have no idea why I decided to include part of the gate, except as a necessary consequence of including the cobbles.
321 items in total