Jim Fowler's photos

Closeup of Cleistes divaricata (Rosebud Orchid)

23 May 2010 83
Today, two of my flickr buddies and I met up in Boiling Spring Lakes in Brunswick County, North Carolina to see what spring orchids we could find. We lucked out with two species that were in tip-top shape. These were a bit early for the Green Swamp area. Usually, they start blooming the first week in June. I'm not complaining, though -- we were quite happy to find so many in such good condition...

Cleistes divaricata (Rosebud Orchid)

23 May 2010 76
Today, two of my flickr buddies and I met up in Boiling Spring Lakes in Brunswick County, North Carolina to see what spring orchids we could find. We lucked out with two species that were in tip-top shape. These were a bit early for the Green Swamp area. Usually, they start blooming the first week in June. I'm not complaining, though -- we were quite happy to find so many in such good condition...

Spiranthes vernalis orchid discovered next to the…

22 May 2010 121
Little did Mary Ellen know that she has orchids outside her back door! Sometimes it's worth looking at the little things next to the path...

Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-Pink Orchid)

15 May 2010 82
There is a little known granite bald just south of Eva Chandler Heritage Preserve in Greenville County, South Carolina that has hundreds of this beautiful native orchid. This particular color is the most prevalent, but there are much lighter ones as well at this site. It is a wet bald, therefore it is able to support several species of carnivorous plants.

Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-Pink Orchid)

12 May 2010 80
When I went out into the front yard this morning, I knew that I had to photograph these before it started raining. These are quite easy to grow in a bog garden environment. They grow from tiny corms or bulb-like structures. Its flowers vary from almost pure white to deep magenta. I have some of the white variety, but for some reason, they bloom a few weeks later than these. This orchid is known as a non-resupinate orchid, which means that the lip is found in the upper position rather than the lower position on the flower.

Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-Pink Orchid)

12 May 2010 67
When I went out into the front yard this morning, I knew that I had to photograph these before it started raining. These are quite easy to grow in a bog garden environment. They grow from tiny corms or bulb-like structures. Its flowers vary from almost pure white to deep magenta. I have some of the white variety, but for some reason, they bloom a few weeks later than these. This orchid is known as a non-resupinate orchid, which means that the lip is found in the upper position rather than the lower position on the flower. BTW that is a red-bodied pitcher plant in the background ( Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpa ).

Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies...

09 May 2010 67
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Calopogon tuberosus (Grass-pink Orchid)

09 May 2010 127
This is the first of the orchids to bloom in the bog garden, this year. I'm always a bit apprehensive before they bloom, since the local squirrels tend to dig up the corms (bulbs) as they sprout. This is an easy native orchid to grow, and it usually puts on a good show for a few weeks. A few years ago, I had a large group of these in the garden, but some miscreant came in and pulled them up - left one corm which has mulitplied. This year, I'll have six or seven of the purple ones to bloom. They are now safe from trespassers (except for the squirrels) since I fenced in the front yard...

Pair of Pink Lady-slipper Orchids (Cypripedium aca…

08 May 2010 59
OK, I'll bet you're tired of seeing Pink Lady's-slipper Orchids, so this is the last one I'll be posting this year. The orginal idea for the trip was to check out the Yellow Lady's-slipper Orchids along the Raven Cliff Falls trail in upper Greenville County, South Carolina, but they were all bloomed out. Two weeks ago would have been a perfect time, but I wasn't there... :-((

Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid) EX…

01 May 2010 81
This is a native terrestrial orchid which is found along the eastern portion of the United States. This closeup and the one next to it, are posted to show part of the pollination mechanism. The rounded structure noted above is one of a pair of pollen sacs. When the pollinating insect emerges from the top of the pouched lip, it will brush against the pollen sac and acquire pollen on its back. When it visits the next flower, it will complete the pollination cycle by depositing the pollen on the flower's female stigma (not shown in this image because it is hidden inside the pouch).

Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid) EN…

01 May 2010 75
This is a native terrestrial orchid which is found along the eastern portion of the United States. The tiny opening noted above is the top portion of a slit in the pouch that a pollinating inset (usually a bee) will use to enter the flower. Once inside, the only way out is through the top of the pouch as shown on the other closeup of the flower. Once it exits, it will have coated its back wih pollen for the next flower it visits.

Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid)

01 May 2010 93
This is a native terrestrial orchid which is found along the eastern portion of the United States. Here is a pair of Pink Lady's-slipper Orchids showing the color variation that is often seen. The darker flower is more mature than the lighter one which has just unfurled its petals.

Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid) Fa…

01 May 2010 80
This is a native terrestrial orchid which is found along the eastern portion of the United States. A pair of Pink Lady's-slipper Orchids that are naturally "facing" each other.

Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid)

01 May 2010 89
This is a native terrestrial orchid which is found along the eastern portion of the United States. A pair of Pink Lady's-slipper Orchids showing the hairy, leathery leaves.

Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper Orchid)

01 May 2010 78
This is a native terrestrial orchid which is found along the eastern portion of the United States. Sometimes one or more of the flowers in a group of Pink Lady's-slipper Orchids will be lighter in color than the rest. This is one of those...

Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)

24 Apr 2010 65
Since we went out last weekend to check on the timing of the lady's-slipper bloom, they have had time to open and put on a show for us. There aren't quite as many, this year, but what's there is beautiful. These were found on the propert of Eva Chandler Heritage Preserve in northern Greenville County, South Carolina.

Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)

24 Apr 2010 112
Since we went out last weekend to check on the timing of the lady's-slipper bloom, they have had time to open and put on a show for us. There aren't quite as many, this year, but what's there is beautiful. These were found on the property of Eva Chandler Heritage Preserve in northern Greenville County, South Carolina.

Cypripedium acaule (Pink lady's-slipper orchid)

24 Apr 2010 69
Since we went out last weekend to check on the timing of the lady's-slipper bloom, they have had time to open and put on a show for us. There aren't quite as many, this year, but what's there is beautiful. These were found on the property of Eva Chandler Heritage Preserve in northern Greenville County, South Carolina.