Search through Jenny McIntyre's photos

  Publication date  /  2014  /  February  /  19   -   32 photos

« Feb 2014    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28    Feb 2014 »

  • The Old Mill house
  • Lovely cruiser
  • Lovely house facing river
  • Houses alongside the river
  • P2190678
  • The mud left in the river
  • Some mud has been dug away
  • The new bridge from a different angle
  • Some of the houses have part of their garden close to the river
  • Views of the new bridge from Limers Lane
  • View down river towards Instow
  • Old smuggling beach on the left
  • Nice little boat
  • The old kiln workings
  • The Old Kiln house
  • The snowdrops accentuate the kiln
  • Gorgeous array of snowdrops
  • More snowdrops
  • P2190714
  • P2190717
  • P2190721
  • P2190723
  • P2190727
  • Looking down river towards Instow and Appledore
  • Another great house near the river
  • The first sign of spring in my garden
  • My first primrose of this year
  • P2190748
  • The stirrings of new growth
  • Tulips and daffs starting to emerge
  • Three large pots ready for the onslaught of colour
  • Three more large containers full of spring flowers