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  Shooting date  /  2015  /  March   -   89 photos

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  • Tony looking slightly worse for wear the morning after
  • Gorgeous one of the happy couple
  • Yashi beach today
  • Turkish tea in the sun
  • Bodrum castle
  • The canal - near their house
  • The yachts are getting ready for the summer
  • The marina is full
  • One of the many little side roads in Bodrum
  • Bodrum castle
  • Beautiful view over to the islands
  • View looking towards Yashi from the shopping precinct
  • Daffodils are at long last out
  • The tulip tubs are getting full
  • Lovely yellow splash
  • Lovely blue flowers growing
  • Pippin loving the sun
  • He loves the warmth
  • Could he love this sun any more
  • Gorgeous hairy stems of the primrose
  • The primroses are out
  • New primroses are about to emerge
  • Hidden tulip bud
  • The bluebells are showing
  • Lots of new bluebells in the driveway
  • Fruit of the ivy
  • The mini daffodils are out
  • View to the ocean
  • Quite a few people were out and about
  • Dogs thoroughly enjoying their freedom
  • Family with dog
  • He was determined to keep his stick
  • The tide was far out making the channel very small
  • Two lovely dogs waiting for their master
  • Looking across the river to the lighthouse
  • The lighthouse at Crow Point
  • Two dogs having a whale of a time
  • The sun made the wet sand glow
  • Looking downriver towards Bideford
  • Another stick to look after
  • Mandi showing how warm it is - hmmm
  • Being mean showing me some caramello...
  • The sky was sort of blue - but there were clouds on the horizon
  • Tide was out and there was serious sea spray
  • The lone surfer walking to the sea
  • The tde was quite a way out leaving wet sand in its wake
  • Very determined walkers on the beach plus the odd surfer
  • The odd surfers out there - but the sea was quite messy with lots of waves
  • The ice-cream man is already there for the best ice-cream in the world
  • A friend's house overlooking the sea
  • The happy smiles say it all.............
  • The pup who follows Zilli to Mandi's home and now thinks it her place
  • Chickens up a tree
  • Beautiful view of the bay with the islands
  • Chickens are enjoying themselves in the tree
  • Lewis Hamilton wins in Melbourne
  • Lovely spray
  • These large  boulders certainly break  up the waves
  • The tide's in
  • Good spray
  • Every other wave caused a good spray
  • Not too many waves really
  • The boulders break up the waves but also makes good splashes
  • Just lots of blobs really
  • Little clump of primroses
  • A lovely red tulip is starting to show
  • Some promise of colour
  • Lovely old tree
  • Tiny rivulet
  • Wild garlic surrounds the little stream
  • Peaceful field
  • The back road to the beach
  • The tide was out
  • The sharp wind was making lots of waves
  • The middle of the drive is full of flowers
  • Some small violets in the driveway
  • Bunches of primroses edge the drive
  • Boo accompanied me
  • Small forget me nots
  • The two colours
  • The two colours of the primroses
  • Love the clumps of them
  • The lovely clover pink of the primulas
  • Pippin greeting me

89 items in total