Gorgeous lily pads and a lovely water feature

Rosemoor Gardens visit

07 Jun 2016

2 favorites

74 visits

Gorgeous lily pads and a lovely water feature

07 Jun 2016

2 favorites


82 visits

Beautiful koi pond with lily pads

07 Jun 2016

1 favorite

60 visits

Mini vegetable garden

07 Jun 2016

1 favorite

1 comment

72 visits

Very nice herb garden

07 Jun 2016

1 favorite

1 comment

55 visits

Some of the fabulous mown laws

07 Jun 2016

1 favorite

1 comment

77 visits

The entrance into the wild gardens

07 Jun 2016

1 favorite

51 visits

Absolutely stunning foxgloves

07 Jun 2016

1 favorite

1 comment

74 visits

Don't know what the plant is - but it's gorgeous

07 Jun 2016

1 favorite

51 visits

What a great day we had to see the flowers

37 items in total