These poppies look so lovely and bright

Some new blooms on the driveway

18 Jun 2015

55 visits

These poppies look so lovely and bright

18 Jun 2015

49 visits

The aqualegia is still flowering

18 Jun 2015

54 visits

The orange lily is being eaten by a bug

18 Jun 2015

46 visits

The purple toadflax is everywhere

18 Jun 2015

53 visits

The lovely bright orange poppies

18 Jun 2015

49 visits

Pretty pink aqualegia

18 Jun 2015

46 visits

New white flowers on the Silene, first time

18 Jun 2015

45 visits

Petunias are spreading

18 Jun 2015

1 favorite

62 visits

Gorgeous markings

11 items in total